Applying data modeling in MySQL to build an ETL pipeline from the Riot API, resulting in a database that can be used as a means of improving one's own gameplay. The database is then connected to a Dash app where queries from the database can be visualized in an interative way.
Because I couldn't find a way to pull a list of random summoner IDs, I found a list of summoner IDs online posted by Riot that tries to solve this exact issue. Next, I extracted a list of around 30,000 matches that includes these summoner IDs. I then pulled a list of all in-game items and champions. To completely fill out my data model, I created intersecting entities from matches, champions, items, and summoners.
Finally, I wrote scripts to create an empty mysql database and load the aforementioned tables into it. Here is the final data model.
Using Dash, I was able to create a simple dashboard which used SQL queries to pull data from the database. The data was then transformed before being inserted into visualizations in the app callback. By typing in a champion's name, I can populate the piecharts for both champion win rate and pick rate.
Champion win rates
sum(gi.Win)/count(gi.Win) AS winrate
FROM game_instance gi
INNER JOIN champ_select cs ON gi.SummonerID = cs.SummonerID
INNER JOIN game_champ gc ON gi.GameID = gc.GameID AND gc.ChampionID = cs.ChampionID
INNER JOIN champion c on gc.ChampionID = c.ID
Champion pick rates
(COUNT(ChampionID) OVER (PARTITION BY ChampionID))/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM game) * 100 AS pickrate
FROM game_champ gc
INNER JOIN champion c ON gc.ChampionID = c.Id