Repo that will be a one-stop-shop for all NLP analysis of my personal Facebook messenger conversation with my girlfriend. Added the one-year anniversary update!
The purpose of this project is to analyze my message history with important people in my life, most notably my girlfriend. I downloaded all my messages from Facebook to accomplish this feat.
- Exploratory Analysis
- Json Manipulation
- Sentiment Analysis and Other NLP Techniques
- Python & Jupyter Notebook
- SpaCy
Me and my girlfriend of around 5 months constantly debate over our history of chatting with each other. This includes when we actually started "talking", who made the first move, topics that were talked about, etc.
I then thought it'd be really interesting if I somehow took all the messages we sent each other (we mostly used Facebook Messenger) and did an analysis on our message history. Luckily for me, Facebook has a feature where you can download all (and I mean ALL) of your personal data that you accumulated on the platform. Having known my girlfriend for over three years at university, it'd be interesting to compare our messaging behaviour before/after we started dating, in addition to exploring some sentiment analysis and more complicated NLP stuff later on.
Check out my notebook for more details!
This has been a great project for not only learning more about matplotlib and a couple of NLP libraries, but also about my relationship as it stands right now. It'd be interesting to redownload my messages after a couple of more months and seeing any changes.
Next Steps:
- Create the same analysis for a select group of friends, some of which I've known for more than 4 years
- Update the wordclouds with bigrams/trigrams and seeing if there's more meaning to them
Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you want to talk about this project or data science in general!