A directory for lightning startups, projects, and companies.
To run the project locally, you need to have Node.Js installed on your machine.
1- Either clone the project or download it as Zip from the github repository.
2- Inside the project folder, open the cmd and run npm install
to install all the libraries used by the project.
3- You are ready to start !!!
The client app is built in React + TypeScript. To start the client app on your machine, open the CMD in the project root directory, then you will run one of the commands below:
1- npm run client:prod-server
This will run the application and will use the real backend api to get the data.
2- npm run client:mocks
This will spin up a local mocks server with mock data, so you can use the app offline.
3- npm run client:dev-server
This will assume that you have a local api server running on port 8888, and will connect to it.
In all cases, the application will be running on http://localhost:3000