Compress Images Automatically on WordPress
Handy Little Must Use Plugin for WordPress.
Performs lossless compression on Jpeg, PNG & Gif Images using JpegOptim, OpimPNG & Gifsicle
- Installed on Server
- JpegOptim
- Gifsicle
- OptimPNG
- PHP setup
- Access to
- Access to
Clone the directory into your mu-plugins. The plugin will be active automatically and start compressing new images as they are uploaded.
##Important## This will not compress images already in your Media Library! It will only work on newly uploaded images.
- More PNG Compression Options
- MozJpeg Compression
- WP CLI tool
- Support for compressing images made by Timber
- Compress on Demand
- Filterable locations for locating the tools
- Improve the Tool Loader to use less RAM
- Internationalisation
- Include required Binaries with the Plugin