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Merge pull request #75 from Aeneas1/patch-1
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add Soulmask template
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patrix87 authored Jun 10, 2024
2 parents 626d702 + f5f18e0 commit 94071db
Showing 1 changed file with 237 additions and 0 deletions.
237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions templates/soulmask.psm1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
#Server Name, Always Match the Launcher and config file name.
$Name = $ServerCfg

# Server Configuration

$ServerDetails = @{

#Login username used by SteamCMD
Login = "anonymous"

#Name of the server in the Server Browser
SessionName = "Soulmask"

#Maximum Number of Players
MaxPlayers = 20

#Password to join the server *NO SPACES*
Password = ""

#Admin Password to manage your Server *NO SPACES*
AdminPassword = ""

#Server Port
Port = 7777

#Query Port
QueryPort = 27015

#Enable PVE "True" or "False"
ServerPVE = "True"

#Turns on game console output. "True" or "False"
ServerLog = "True"

#Specifies the interval for writing game objects to the database (unit: seconds).
ServerSaving = 600

#Specifies the interval for writing the game database to disk (unit: seconds).
ServerBackup = 900

#Specifies how often (minutes) to automatically back up the world save.
BackupInterval = 10

#Specifies the local listening address. Use or the local network card address.
MultihomeIP = ""

#Maintenance port, used for local telnet server maintenance, TCP, does not need to be open.
ManagementPort = 18888

#Backs up game saves when the game starts. "True" or "False"
InitBackup = "True"

# Server Installation Details

#Name of the Server Instance
Name = $Name

#Server Installation Path
Path = ".\servers\$Name"

#Server configuration folder
ConfigFolder = ".\servers\$Name\WS\Saved\Config\WindowsServer"

#Steam Server App Id
AppID = 3017310

#Name of the Beta Build
BetaBuild = ""

#Beta Build Password
BetaBuildPassword = ""

#Set to $true if you want this server to automatically update.
AutoUpdates = $true

#Set to $true if you want this server to automatically restart on crash.
AutoRestartOnCrash = $true

#Set to $true if you want this server to automatically restart at set hour.
AutoRestart = $true

#The time at which the server will restart daily.
#(Hour, Minute, Seconds)
AutoRestartTime = @(4, 0, 0)

#Process name in the task manager
ProcessName = "WSServer-Win64-Shipping"

#Use PID instead of Process Name.
UsePID = $true

#Server Executable
Exec = ".\servers\$Name\WSServer.exe"

#Allow force close, usefull for server without RCON and Multiple instances.
AllowForceClose = $true

#Process Priority Realtime, High, AboveNormal, Normal, BelowNormal, Low
UsePriority = $true
AppPriority = "High"

Process Affinity (Core Assignation)
Core 1 = > 00000001 = > 1
Core 2 = > 00000010 = > 2
Core 3 = > 00000100 = > 4
Core 4 = > 00001000 = > 8
Core 5 = > 00010000 = > 16
Core 6 = > 00100000 = > 32
Core 7 = > 01000000 = > 64
Core 8 = > 10000000 = > 128
8 Cores = > 11111111 = > 255
4 Cores = > 00001111 = > 15
2 Cores = > 00000011 = > 3

UseAffinity = $false
AppAffinity = 15

#Should the server validate install after installation or update *(recommended)
Validate = $true

#How long should it wait to check if the server is stable
StartupWaitTime = 10
#Create the object
$Server = New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $ServerDetails

# Backups

$BackupsDetails = @{
#Do Backups
Use = $true

#Backup Folder
Path = ".\Backup\$($Server.Name)"

#Number of days of backups to keep.
Days = 7

#Number of weeks of weekly backups to keep.
Weeks = 4

#Folder to include in backup
Saves = ".\servers\$($Server.Name)\WS\Saved\Worlds\Dedicated\Level01_Main"
#Create the object
$Backups = New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $BackupsDetails

# Restart Warnings (Require RCON, Telnet or WebSocket API)

$WarningsDetails = @{
#Use Rcon to restart server softly.
Use = $false

#What protocol to use : Rcon, Telnet, Websocket
Protocol = "Telnet"

#Times at which the servers will warn the players that it is about to restart. (in seconds between each timers)
Timers = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@(240, 50, 10) #Total wait time is 240+50+10 = 300 seconds or 5 minutes

#message that will be sent. % is a wildcard for the timer.
MessageMin = "The server will restart in % minutes !"

#message that will be sent. % is a wildcard for the timer.
MessageSec = "The server will restart in % seconds !"

#command to send a message.
CmdMessage = ""

#command to save the server
CmdSave = ""

#How long to wait in seconds after the save command is sent.
SaveDelay = 15

#command to stop the server
CmdStop = ""
#Create the object
$Warnings = New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $WarningsDetails

# Launch Arguments

#Launch Arguments
$ArgumentList = @(
"Level01_Main ",
"-server ",
"-UTF8Output ",
"-SteamServerName=`"$($Server.SessionName)`" ",
"-PSW=`"$($Server.Password)`" ",
"-adminpsw=`"$($Server.AdminPassword)`" ",
"-MaxPlayers=$($Server.MaxPlayers) ",
"-backup=$($Server.ServerBackup) ",
"-saving=$($Server.ServerSaving) ",
"-MULTIHOME=`"$($Server.MultihomeIP)`" ",
"-Port=$($Server.Port) ",
"-QueryPort=$($Server.QueryPort) ",
"-EchoPort=$($Server.ManagementPort) ",
"-backupinterval=$($Server.BackupInterval) ",
"-forcepassthrough "

if ($Server.ServerLog -eq "True") {
$ArgumentList += "-log "

if ($Server.InitBackup -eq "True") {
$ArgumentList += "-initbackup "

Add-Member -InputObject $Server -Name "ArgumentList" -Type NoteProperty -Value $ArgumentList
Add-Member -InputObject $Server -Name "Launcher" -Type NoteProperty -Value "$($Server.Exec)"
Add-Member -InputObject $Server -Name "WorkingDirectory" -Type NoteProperty -Value "$($Server.Path)"

# Function that runs just before the server starts.

function Start-ServerPrep {

Write-ScriptMsg "Port Forward : $($Server.Port), $($Server.Port+1) and $($Server.QueryPort) in TCP & UDP to $($Global.InternalIP)"


Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-ServerPrep -Variable @("Server", "Backups", "Warnings")

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