Process NANOAOD files to create skims (picoAODs) and event loop histograms.
To use ONNX Rutime to evaluate PyTorch models in CMSSW, need CMSSW 11
Login to an sl7 node:
ssh -Y
cd ~/nobackup
cmsrel CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5
cd CMSSW_11_1_0_pre5/src
git cms-addpkg PhysicsTools/ONNXRuntime
git cms-merge-topic patrickbryant:MakePyBind11ParameterSetsIncludingCommandLineArguments
From a CMSSW/src release area
Checkout the nTupleAnalysis base class repo
git clone [email protected]:patrickbryant/nTupleAnalysis.git
git clone [email protected]:johnalison/nTupleHelperTools.git
git clone [email protected]:johnalison/TriggerEmulator.git
git clone [email protected]:patrickbryant/ZZ4b.git
For jet energy correction uncertainties we use the nanoAOD-tools package:
git clone PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
scram b ZZ4b/nTupleAnalysis
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
Run the following with --help to see what command line argument you can specify. Otherwise it runs with the default input files and default output directory.
nTupleAnalysis ZZ4b/nTupleAnalysis/scripts/
When running on data a live count of the integrated luminosity that has been processed can be displayed. The luminosity per lumiblock in a given lumiMask json file is calculated with brilcalc.
First download the lumiMask:
mv Cert_314472-325175_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions18_JSON.txt ZZ4b/lumiMasks/
Then setup the brilconda environment:
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/cvmfs/$PATH
And calculate the lumi contained in the json file for a given trigger. You must specify the trigger version, this can be done by including "_v*" at the end of the trigger name. The recommended normtag can be found at
brilcalc lumi -c web --normtag /cvmfs/ -u /pb -i lumiMasks/Cert_314472-325175_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions18_JSON.txt --hltpath "HLT_PFHT330PT30_QuadPFJet_75_60_45_40_TriplePFBTagDeepCSV_4p5_v*" --byls -o lumiMasks/brilcalc_2018_HLT_PFHT330PT30_QuadPFJet_75_60_45_40_TriplePFBTagDeepCSV_4p5.csv
The output csv file can be quite large. For 2018 it is 30MB. This is because there is one line for every lumiblock and there are O(1M) lumiblocks in a dataset. The option --byls tells brilcalc to give the lumi split by lumiblock; the default is to only specify the lumi per run.
Generate ZZ->4b events in madgraph
cd madgraph
launch mg5_ZZ4b
Convert .lhe to .root (in command line from ZZ4b directory)
gzip -d madgraph/mg5_ZZ4b/Events/run_01/unweighted_events.lhe.gz
ExRootLHEFConverter madgraph/mg5_ZZ4b/Events/run_01/unweighted_events.lhe madgraph/mg5_ZZ4b/Events/run_01/unweighted_events.root
Process events
py3 python/ -i madgraph/mg5_ZZ4b/Events/run_01/unweighted_events.root -o hists/mg5_ZZ4b_run_01.root
Hemisphere Analysis
To create the hemisphere library
nTupleAnalysis ZZ4b/nTupleAnalysis/scripts/ -i ZZ4b/fileLists/data18.txt -o $PWD -y 2018 --histogramming 1 --histFile hists.root --nevents -1 --createHemisphereLibrary
To analyze the hemisphere data (may take significant amount of time)
time hemisphereAnalysis ZZ4b/nTupleAnalysis/scripts/ -i '$PWD/data18/hemiSphereLib_3TagEvents_*root' -o $PWD --histFile hists_3tag.root -n -1
To load the library and create mixed eventsx
nTupleAnalysis ZZ4b/nTupleAnalysis/scripts/ -i ZZ4b/fileLists/data18.txt -o $PWD -y 2018 --histogramming 1 --histFile hists.root --nevents -1 --loadHemisphereLibrary --inputHLib3Tag '$PWD/data18/hemiSphereLib_3TagEvents_*root' --inputHLib4Tag '$PWD/data18/hemiSphereLib_4TagEvents_*root'
cd /uscms_data/d3/bryantp/
mkdir MG5_gridpack
cd MG5_gridpack
cd genproductions/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO
./ ZZTo4B01j_5f_NLO_FXFX cards/production/2017/13TeV/ZZTo4B01j_5f_NLO_FXFX/
must be done on lxplus because of how the condor script works (uses shared afs file system)
cd /uscms_data/d3/bryantp/
mkdir powheg_gridpack
cd powheg_gridpack
check scram arch
slc7_amd64_gcc820 # twiki says to use CMSSW_11_0_1
cmsrel CMSSW_11_0_1
cd CMSSW_11_0_1/src
cd genproductions/bin/Powheg
mkdir ZH
cp production/2017/13TeV/Higgs/HZJ_HanythingJ_NNPDF31_13TeV/HZJ_HanythingJ_NNPDF31_13TeV_M125_Vhadronic.input ZH/
./ -p f -i ZH/HZJ_HanythingJ_NNPDF31_13TeV_M125_Vhadronic.input -m HZJ -f ZH -q workday -n 1000
mkdir ggZH
cp production/2017/13TeV/Higgs/ggHZ_HanythingJ_NNPDF31_13TeV/ggHZ_HanythingJ_NNPDF31_13TeV_M125_Vhadronic.input ggZH/
./ -p f -i ggZH/ggHZ_HanythingJ_NNPDF31_13TeV_M125_Vhadronic.input -m ggHZ -f ggZH -q workday -n 1000