cd wikiann/wikipedia/dump
Step 1: download wiki dumps
USAGE: <wikisite (e.g., enwiki)> <label (e.g., 20180401)> <output dir>
e.g., python yowiki latest ~/wikiann
Step 2: parse wiki dump
usage: [-h] [--nworker NWORKER] [--verbose]
[--index_range INDEX_RANGE]
p_xml p_index outdir
positional arguments:
p_xml path to
p_index path to pages-articles-multistream-index.txt.bz2
outdir output directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nworker NWORKER, -n NWORKER
number of processors to use (default=1)
--verbose, -v verbose logging
--index_range INDEX_RANGE, -i INDEX_RANGE
Index range for debug
e.g., python ~/wikiann/latest/yowiki-latest/yowiki-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 ~/wikiann/latest/yowiki-latest/yowiki-latest-pages-articles-multistream-index.txt.bz2 ~/wikiann/latest/yowiki-latest/output --nworker 4
Step 3: annotate (apply sentence segmentation, tokenization, etc.) parsed output
usage: [-h] [--nworker NWORKER] [--verbose] indir outdir lang
positional arguments:
indir input directory (blocks/)
outdir output directory
lang wikipedia language code
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nworker NWORKER, -n NWORKER
number of processors to use (default=1)
e.g., python ~/wikiann/latest/yowiki-latest/output/blocks ~/wikiann/latest/yowiki-latest/output/blocks.pp yo --nworker 4
Import Wikidata json dump (.json.bz2) into Mongodb and create index
Wikidata ID:
{ id: 1 }
English Alias:
{ aliases.en.value: 1 }
English Wikipedia Title:
{ sitelinks.enwiki.title: 1 }
Freebase ID:
{ claims.P646.mainsnak.datavalue.value: 1 }
subclass of:
{ 1 }
instance of:
{ 1 }
all properties:
{ properties: 1 }
Partial Index for Covered Query:
{ sitelinks.enwiki.title: 1, id: 1 }
{ labels.en.value: 1, id: 1 }
Performance: ~3 hours for importing, ~1 hour for indexing (
--nworker 12
,--chunk_size 10000
, based on 20180717 dump (25 GB))
cd wikiann/wikidata/mongodb/
Step 1: import
usage: [-h] [--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE] [--nworker NWORKER]
inpath host port db_name collection_name
positional arguments:
inpath Path to inpath file (xxxxxxxx-all.json.bz2)
host MongoDB host
port MongoDB port
db_name Database name
collection_name Collection name
optional arguments:
--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE, -c CHUNK_SIZE
Chunk size (default=10000, RAM usage depends on chunk
--nworker NWORKER, -n NWORKER
Step 2: index
usage: [-h] host port db_name collection_name
positional arguments:
host MongoDB host
port MongoDB port
db_name Database name
collection_name Collection name
- If you get
errno:24 Too many open files
error, try to increase system limits. For example, in Linux, you can runulimit -n 64000
in the console running mongod.