A program that can be used to download data from multiple sources and protocols to local disk.
- http, https, ftp, sftp
python setup.py install
First, list the target URL to be downloaded in the input text file. For example 'urls.txt' may contain the following URL.
ftp://speedtest:[email protected]/test10Mb.db
If it required username and password to download a file. Please specify them in the URL as the example below.
ftp://user:[email protected]/dir/file2.txt', 'file2.txt
To download the file from these URL to "downloaded_sources/" use the command below.
datadownloader -u urls.txt -o downloaded_sources/
python setup.py install --record files.txt
cat files.txt | xargs rm -rf
Go to package root directory then run test cases using pytest
1.cd takehome_datadownloader/