This repository acts as a template for all of Oracle’s GitHub repositories. It contains information about the guidelines for those repositories. All files and sections contained in this template are mandatory, and a GitHub app ensures alignment with these guidelines. To get started with a new repository, replace the italic paragraphs with the respective text for your project.
Describe your project's features, functionality and target audience
Provide detailed step-by-step installation instructions. You can name this section How to Run or Getting Started instead of Installation if that's more acceptable for your project
Developer-oriented documentation can be published on GitHub, but all product documentation must be published on
- APEX - Architecture
- APEX - Deployment
- Understanding the Oracle APEX Application Development Lifecycle"
Describe any included examples or provide a link to a demo/tutorial
Inform users on where to get help or how to receive official support from Oracle (if applicable)
If your project has specific contribution requirements, update the file to ensure those requirements are clearly explained
This project welcomes contributions from the community. Before submitting a pull request, please review our contribution guide
Please, review the APEX documentation to meet the development standards.
Please consult the security guide for our responsible security vulnerability disclosure process
The correct copyright notice format for both documentation and software is "Copyright (c) [year,] year Oracle and/or its affiliates." You must include the year the content was first released (on any platform) and the most recent year in which it was revised
Copyright (c) 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Replace this statement if your project is not licensed under the UPL
Released under the Universal Permissive License v1.0 as shown at