This project is a community effort to build a Neo4j Knowledge Graph (KG) that integrates heterogeneous biomedical and environmental datasets to help researchers analyze the interplay between host, pathogen, the environment, and COVID-19.
This schema shows the Nodes (circles) and their Relationships (arrows) in the COVID-19-Net KG.
The node NodeMetadata(top left) describes nodes and refers to relevant ontologies (e.g., Infectious Disease Ontology). The left side of the schema shows the geographic hierarchy from the world to the city level (> 1000 citizens), as well as PostalCode (US Zip) and US Census Tract. The right side shows COVID-19 case counts and information about the host organisms, pathogen, virus strains, genes, proteins, protein-protein interactions, and publications. Cases and strains are linked to geolocations.
Note, this KG is work in progress and changes frequently.
The Knowledge Graph is updated daily between 07:00 and 08:00 UTC.
View of Neo4j Browser showing the result of a query about interactions of the Spike glycoprotein with human host proteins and related publications in PubMedCentral.
You can browse the Knowledge Graph here (click the launch button and follow the instructions below)
The KG can be searched by locations
(geographic locations and cruise ship names) and bioentities
(proteins, genes, strains, organisms) using a full-text search. The results contain exact and approximate matches.
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("bioentities", "spike") YIELD node
This subgraph shows the results of the full-text search. Five proteins contain the word Spike
. Each protein is associated with one or more protein names (synonymes) (only one name is shown here). The Spike glycoprotein in the center is the full-length gene product encoded by the SARS-CoV-2 S gene. The other four proteins are cleavage products (fragments) of the full-length protein.
The following query returns the names of the matched bioentities and the labels of the nodes (e.g., Protein, ProteinName) sorted by the match score in descending order.
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("bioentities", "spike") YIELD node, score
RETURN, labels(node), score
Specific Nodes and Relationships in the KG can be searched using the Cypher query language.
MATCH (s:Strain)-[:FOUND_IN]->(l:Location{name: 'Houston'}) RETURN s, l
This subgraph shows viral strains (green) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus carried by human hosts in Houston (organisms in gray). The strains have several variants (e.g., mutations)(red) in common. Details of the high-lighted variant is shown at the bottom. This variant is a missense mutation in the S gene (S:c.1841gAt>gGt): the base "A" (Adenosine) found in the Wuhan-Hu-1 reference genome NC_45512 was mutated to a "G" (Guanine) at position 23403, resulting in the encoded Spike glycoprotein (QHD43416) to be changed from a "D" (Aspartic acid) to a "G" (Glycine) amino acid at position 614 (QHD43416.1:p.614D>G).
MATCH (o:Outbreak{id: "COVID-19"})<-[:RELATED_TO]-(c:Cases{date: date("2020-07-06")})-[:REPORTED_IN]->(a:Admin2)-[:IN]->(a1:Admin1)
RETURN as state, sum(c.cummulativeConfirmed) as confirmedCases, sum(c.cummulativeDeaths) as deaths
ORDER BY confirmedCases DESC;
Note, some cases in the COVID-19 Data Repository by Johns Hopkins University cannot be mapped to a county or state location (e.g., correctional facilities, missing location data). Therefore, the results of this query will underreport the actual number of cases.
Cypher queries can be run in Jupyter Notebooks to enable reproducible data analyses and visualizations.
You can run the following Jupyter Notebooks in your web browser:
Once Jupyter Lab launches, navigate to the notebooks/queries
directory and run the following notebooks:
Notebook | Description |
CaseCounts | Runs example queries for case counts |
Locations | Runs example queries for locations |
Demographics | Runs example queries demographics data from the American Community Survey |
Bioentities | Runs example queries for bioentities |
AnalyzeVariantsSpikeGlycoprotein | Analyze SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein Variants |
... | add examples here ... |
COVID-19-Net Knowledge Graph is created from publically available resources, including databases, files, and web services. A reproducible workflow, defined in this repository, is used to run a daily update of the knowledge graph. The Jupyter notebooks listed in the table below download, clean, standardize, and integrate data in the form of .csv files for ingestion into the Knowledge Graph. The prepared data files are saved in the NEO4J_HOME/import
directory and cached intermediate files are saved in the NEO4J_HOME/import/cache
directory. These notebooks are run daily at 07:00 UTC in batch using Papermill with the update script to download the latest data and update the Knowlege Graph.
Notebook | Description |
00e-GeoNamesCountry | Downloads country information from |
00f-GeoNamesAdmin1 | Downloads first administrative divisions (State, Province, Municipality) information from |
00g-GeoNamesAdmin2 | Downloads second administrative divisions (Counties in the US) information from |
00h-GeoNamesCity | Downloads city information (population > 1000) from |
00i-USCensusRegionDivisionState2017 | Downloads US regions, divisions, and assigns state FIPS codes from the US Census Bureau |
00j-USCensusCountyCity2017 | Downloads US County FIPS codes from the US Census Bureau |
00k-UNRegion | Downloads UN geographic regions, subregions, and intermediate region information from United Nations |
00n-Geolocation | Downloads longitude, latitude, elevation, and population data from |
01a-NCBIStrain | Downloads the SARS-CoV-2 strain data from NCBI |
01b-Nextstrain | Downloads the SARS-CoV-2 strain metadata from Nextstrain |
01c-NCBIRefSeq | Downloads the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome, genes, and protein products from NCBI |
01d-CNCBStrain | Downloads SARS-CoV-2 viral strains and variation data from CNCB (China National Center for Bioinformation) [takes about 12 hours to run the first time, results are cached] |
01d-CNCBStrainLocations | Standardizes locations for variation data from CNCB (China National Center for Bioinformation) |
01e-ProteinProteinInteraction | Downloads SARS-CoV-2 - human protein interaction data from IntAct |
01h-PMCAccession | Downloads PubMed Central articles that mention NCBI and GISAID strains |
02a-JHUCases | Downloads cummulative confimed cases and deaths from the COVID-19 Data Repository by Johns Hopkins University |
02a-JHUCasesLocation | Standardizes location data for the COVID-19 Data Repository by Johns Hopkins University |
02c-SDHHSACases | Downloads cummulative confirmed COVID-19 cases from the County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency |
03a-USCensusDP05 | Downloads demographic data estimates (DP05) from the American Community Survey 5-Year Data (2009-2018) |
... | Future notebooks that add new data to the knowledge graph |
1. Fork this project
A fork is a copy of a repository in your GitHub account. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.
In the top-right corner of this GitHub page, click Fork
Then, download all materials to your laptop by cloning your copy of the repository, where your-user-name
is your GitHub user name. To clone the repository from a Terminal window or the Anaconda prompt (Windows), run:
git clone
cd covid-19-community
2. Create a conda environment
The file environment.yml
specifies the Python version and all packages required by the tutorial.
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the conda environment
conda activate covid-19-community
3. Launch Jupyter Lab
jupyter lab
Navigate to the notebooks/queries
directory to run the example Jupyter Notebooks.
Note, the following steps have been implemented for MacOS and Linux only.
Some steps will take a very long time, e.g., notebook 01d-CNCBStrain may take more than 12 hours to run the first time.
Follow steps 1. - 3. from above.
4. Install Neo4j Desktop
Then, launch the Neo4j Browser, create an empty database, set the password to "neo4jbinder", and close the database.
5. Set Environment Variable
Add the environment variable NEO4J_HOME
with the path to the Neo4j database installation to your .bash_profile file, e.g.
export NEO4J_HOME="/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-.../installation-4.0.3"
6. Run Data Download Notebooks
Start Jupyter Lab.
jupyter lab
Navigate to the (notebooks/dataprep/
) directory and run all notebooks in alphabetical order to download, clean, standardize and save the data in the NEO4J_HOME/import
directory for ingestion into the Neo4j database.
7. Upload Data into a Local Neo4j Database
Afer all data files have been created in step 6, run (notebooks/local/2-CreateKGLocal.ipynb
to import the data into your local Neo4j database. Make sure the Neo4j Browser is closed before running the database import!
8. Browse local KG in Neo4j Browser
After step 7 has completed, start the database in the Neo4j Browser to interactively explore the KG or run local queries.
- File an issue to discuss your idea so we can coordinate efforts
- Help with specific issues
- Suggest publically accessible data sets
- Add Jupyter Notebooks with data analyses, maps, and visualizations
- Report bugs or issues
Peter W. Rose, David Valentine, Ilya Zaslavsky, COVID-19-Net: Integrating Health, Pathogen and Environmental Data into a Knowledge Graph for Case Tracking, Analysis, and Forecasting. Available online: (2020).
Please also cite the data providers.
The schema below shows how data sources are integrated into the nodes of the Knowledge Graph.
Neo4j provided technical support and organized the community development: "GraphHackers, Let’s Unite to Help Save the World — Graphs4Good 2020".
Students of the UCSD Spatial Data Science course DSC-198: EXPLORING COVID-19 PANDEMIC WITH DATA SCIENCE
Contributors: Kaushik Ganapathy, Braden Riggs, Eric Yu
Project KONQUER team members at UC San Diego and UTHealth at Houston.
Development of this prototype is in part supported by the National Science Foundation under Award Numbers:
NSF Convergence Accelerator Phase I (RAISE): Knowledge Open Network Queries for Research (KONQUER) (1937136)
NSF RAPID: COVID-19-Net: Integrating Health, Pathogen and Environmental Data into a Knowledge Graph for Case Tracking, Analysis, and Forecasting (2028411)