What's Changed
- The version schema has been updated to be friendlier to ordering, it's now YEAR / MONTH / DAY / PATCH
- The fdroid app is now hosted on my own repository https://ouchadam.github.io/fdroid-repository/repo/
- [Auto] Release Candidate by @ouchadam in #258
- [Auto] Sync Release by @ouchadam in #259
- Porting ProfileViewModel to reducer by @ouchadam in #260
- Tech/sync error logging by @ouchadam in #262
- Bump leakcanary-android from 2.9.1 to 2.10 by @dependabot in #263
- screen-state submodule by @ouchadam in #271
- Bump accompanist-systemuicontroller from 0.27.0 to 0.27.1 by @dependabot in #270
- Tech/engine submodule by @ouchadam in #273
- Tech/update engine by @ouchadam in #274
- Tech/version catalog by @ouchadam in #275
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #277
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #278
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.0.1 by @renovate in #279
- Tech/wrapper update by @ouchadam in #276
- Update actions/checkout action to v3 by @renovate in #287
- Update actions/setup-java action to v3 by @renovate in #288
- Update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment action to v2 by @renovate in #292
- Update dependency com.google.accompanist:accompanist-systemuicontroller to v0.28.0 by @renovate in #285
- Update dependency com.github.UnifiedPush:android-connector to v2.1.1 by @renovate in #284
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v31.1.1 by @renovate in #286
- Update dependency @googleapis/androidpublisher to v4 by @renovate in #289
- Update dependency matrix-js-sdk to v22 by @renovate in #291
- Update peter-evans/find-comment action to v2 by @renovate in #294
- Replace buildSrc with conventions submodule by @ouchadam in #293
- Tech/Converting login view model to state/reducer pattern by @ouchadam in #295
- Update dependency matrix-js-sdk to v23 by @renovate in #296
- Tech/home reducer by @ouchadam in #298
- Update kotlin monorepo to v1.8.0 by @renovate in #297
- Update dependency io.ktor:ktor-client-android to v2.2.2 by @renovate in #301
- [Feature] Leave room by @ouchadam in #302
- Allow messages
up arrow
to relaunch main screen by @ouchadam in #303 - Crash fix when sending message after replying to an unsupported message type by @ouchadam in #304
- Updating version name format by @ouchadam in #305
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 07/11/2022-V1...23/01/01.1