Hello players, this project is a fork Otcv8 of Kondrah This otcv8 client focuses on bringing as much similarity as possible to the current 13x tibia.
- Store tibia client 13x (visual, banner, sections, sub categorys)
- Login tibia client 13x
- Fix bugs critical
- Fix Prey
OTCv8 sources. You can add whatever you want and create pull request with your changes. Accepted pull requests will be added to official OTCv8 version, so if you want a new feature in OTCv8, just add it here and wait for approval. If you add custom feature, make sure it's optional and can be enabled via g_game.enableFeature function, otherwise your pull request will be rejected.
You can clone repoistory and use github action build-on-request workload.
You need visual studio 2019 and vcpkg with commit 3b3bd424827a1f7f4813216f6b32b6c61e386b2e
Then you install vcpkg dependencies:
vcpkg install boost-iostreams:x86-windows-static boost-asio:x86-windows-static boost-beast:x86-windows-static boost-system:x86-windows-static boost-variant:x86-windows-static boost-lockfree:x86-windows-static boost-process:x86-windows-static boost-program-options:x86-windows-static luajit:x86-windows-static glew:x86-windows-static boost-filesystem:x86-windows-static boost-uuid:x86-windows-static physfs:x86-windows-static openal-soft:x86-windows-static libogg:x86-windows-static libvorbis:x86-windows-static zlib:x86-windows-static libzip:x86-windows-static openssl:x86-windows-static
and then you can compile static otcv8 version.
on linux you need:
- vcpkg from commit
- boost >=1.67 and libzip-dev, physfs >= 3
- gcc >=9
Then just run mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j8
To compile on android you need to create C:\android with
- android-ndk-r21b https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r21d-windows-x86_64.zip
- libs from android_libs.7z
Also install android extension for visual studio In visual studio go to options -> cross platform -> c++ and set Android NDK to C:\android\android-ndk-r21b Right click on otclientv8 -> proporties -> general and change target api level to android-25
Put data.zip in android/otclientv8/assets You can use powershell script create_android_assets.ps1 to create them automaticly (won't be encrypted)
- To run tests manually, unpack tests.7z and use command
otclient_debug.exe --test
- To test mobile UI use command
otclient_debug.exe --mobile
- Discord: https://discord.gg/Nc2cASh2
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