This project holds the source for
This blog is based on Jekyll and deployed on Github Project pages.
This means:
- blog source are on branch source
- blog generated HTML/CSS are under branch gh-pages
Do not commit to the gh-pages branch. It is re-generated automatically on each deploy.
Check out the source
branch and update dependencies.
git checkout source
bundle install
You only need to do this once.
git clone
cd blog
git checkout source
rake setup_github_pages
Repository url: or your clone- do the changes, additions (see below)
rake generate
# Generates posts and pages into the _site directoryrake preview
# Watches, and mounts a webserver at http://localhost:4000/blograke deploy_private
# Upload the generated site to branch gh-pages of your clonerake deploy
# Upload the generated site to branch gh-pages
The above process only update the gh-pages branch. Once publishing done, remember to commit your source update to the source branch!
Without this, your changes will be lost when someone else update the blog.
- Fork the blog
- Execute steps 1-7 above
- Send a GitHub Pull Request to the source branch.