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Angela Maio edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 2 revisions


Tunnel environments are constructed from a set of tiles, where each tile represents a small portion of tunnel. For DARPA SubT Challenge, three complete tunnel environments are provided. They are named: tunnel_circuit_practice_01, tunnel_circuit_practice_02, and tunnel_circuit_practice_03. These environments can be launched from the command line using the Ignition worldName parameter. For example, the command below will launch the practice world 01 environment.

ign launch -v 4 tunnel_circuit_practice.ign worldName:=tunnel_circuit_practice_01 robotName1:=X1 robotConfig1:=X1_SENSOR_CONFIG_1

A combination of 20 artifacts (listed below) are randomly deployed inside each of the tunnels.

NOTE 1: There are tunnel sections, where some of the artifacts can only be reached by UAVs.

NOTE 2: To improve performance, a feature called LEVELS is turned ON. As a result, you will not see the full layout of the practice worlds at the launch of your configuration. Therfore, that is expected. The images below are just a visual reference to give you a sense on how the practices wolds look if they would have been fully loaded.

Practice Tunnel Circuit 01 (length ≈ 4940m):


Practice Tunnel Circuit 02 (length ≈ 3800m):


Practice Tunnel Circuit 03 (length ≈ 5120m):


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