Calculate daily/monthly/yearly unique and recurring IP addresses from nginx access logs
Identifying a user solely based on their IP address can be challenging, especially if the IP address changes frequently. This program helps provide insight into the number of users visiting a website in cases where there is no session management or sophisticated IP tracking in use.
Pass access logs as command line arguments. The program logic assumes that the log files are sorted by date in ascending order.
go run main.go access.log.oldest access.log acces.log.latest
Depending of the API endpoints in your application it might be good idea to filter only the requests containing specific string by passing a filter parameter(s) to the program. In this case only the log rows containing "api/login", "api/search" or "home" are counted as real users and all other rows are skipped:
go run main.go -filter=api/login -filter=api/search -filter=home access.log
By default the program outputs data as tab seperated values so its up to user how it will be visualized, e.g. with gnuplot:
go run main.go access.log > test.dat
gnuplot -e "set title 'Nginx access.log unique and recurring visitors'; set auto x; set terminal png; set output 'output.png'; set yrange [0:*]; set style data histogram; set style histogram cluster gap 1; set style fill solid border -1; set boxwidth 0.9; set xtic rotate by -45 scale 0; plot 'test.dat' using 2:xtic(1) ti col, '' u 3 ti col"
Its possible to read visitor data from specifig data, month or year also.
Usage examples:
err, v := allVisitors.GetVisitorsFrom("20/04/2022")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error parsing date: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("New visitors in 20/4/2022:%v\n",
fmt.Printf("Old visitors in 20/4/2022:%v\n", v.old)
err, v2 := allVisitors.GetVisitorsFrom("2023")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error parsing date: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("New visitors in 2023:%v\n",
fmt.Printf("Old visitors in 2023:%v\n", v2.old)
go test