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Wisam Reid wisamreid
(1) PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School (2023), SHBT (2) MA, Stanford University (2017), Music, Science, & Technology (3) BS, UC Berkeley (2014), EECS


Ella Say ellaksay
B.S. Bioinformatics, Computer Science Minor from UC San Diego I Research Assistant, Giocomo Lab at Stanford University

Stanford University Palo Alto, CA

Lucas Patel lucaspatel
md/phd student @ ucsd
Linh linhtruong-ns
PhD student in Neuroscience
Bryan Nielsen bryanatsalk
System/Cloud Architect/Engineer
Jeremy Delahanty jmdelahanty
A neuroscientist trying to get a degree from Baltimore, collecting big behavior and brain data at HHMI Janelia. Zebrafish are neat little dudes.

HHMI Janelia Ashburn, VA