simpletcd is a simple etcd client that aims to make recursive get/put operations easier. If you are using etcd mainly as a configuration repository or a meta data storage, simpletcd helps to simplify store and retrieve dictionary datawith a single call.
pip install simpletcd
>> from simpletcd.ectd import Etcd
>> # Etcd can be initallized with specific host (default, and port (default 2379)
>> # e.g. Etcd(host=<host>, port=<port>)
>> etcd = Etcd()
>> etcd.put('mytestkey', 'test value')
>> from simpletcd.ectd import Etcd
>> etcd = Etcd()
>> etcd.get('mytestkey')
{u'mytestkey': u'test value'}
>> from simpletcd.ectd import Etcd
>> etcd = Etcd()
>> etcd.put('mytopkey', {'key_0': 'v0', 'key_1': {'key_1_0': 'v1_0', 'key_1_1': 'v1_1'}})
>> from simpletcd.ectd import Etcd
>> etcd = Etcd()
>> etcd.get('mytopkey')
{u'mytopkey': {u'key_0': u'v0',
u'key_1': {u'key_1_0': u'v1_0', u'key_1_1': u'v1_1'}}}
Changes: 0.1.3: Initial release