Improved forms navigation and tag input controls using key
Create and edit policy via YAML
Support for yaml formatted policy validation in API
Changed Sink visual representation on Dataset create page
Delete Entity modal checks are case sensitive
Improved Agents view page, failing gracefully.
Enabled for offline agents
Enabled for new agents
Capabilities shown before provisioning.
Agent status: Offline agents are no longer stale after a period of time
Help message on docker command (agents view)
Policy total count added.
Added missing Cancel button on policy handler’s page
Editing DataSet and sink name
Agent Reset button added to Agent View Page
Agent views improvements
More resilient with missing datasets/groups/policies/sinks
Groups active matching (since subscription, color, different cursor)
Error message displayed when a policy fails
Command provision issues with show/hide button fixed
Policy view page improvement (under development)
Fix datatable cache issue - duplicated items appeared on list.
Improvement on user feedback for invalid dataset (group, policy, sink)
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