small utility to patch config file in different format by using yaml patch expression which can be found on this link: .
Config-patcher support these formats as config input:
- json
- yaml
- toml
Config-patcher has been made to work during a bosh lifecycle and should be used through its boshrelease:
You can use by cli, by using go get
Usage of ./config-patcher:
-patch string
Set in glob format where to find rules for patching config files (default "/var/vcap/jobs/*/config-patcher/*.yml")
Create a yaml file in this format (which is accessible which -patch flag):
- config_file: <config-file> # config file in input which will be patched
config_type: <json | yaml | toml> # this is actually not mandatory, but you could need to set explicitly type of your config file
- op: <add | remove | replace | move | copy | test>
from: <source-path> # only valid for the 'move' and 'copy' operations
path: <target-path> # always mandatory
value: <any-yaml-structure> # only valid for 'add', 'replace' and 'test' operations