released this
01 Oct 06:37
56 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
What’s changed
✨ New features
- feat: Add methods for heat pump cooling consumption @CFenner (#371)
- feat: Add Vitoconnect Opto 2 / Heatbox2 as gateway (#24) @CFenner (#408)
🐛 Bug fixes
🧰 Maintenance
- chore(ci): add Codespell workflow @CFenner (#391)
- chore(deps): update pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish action to v1.10.2 @renovate (#399)
- chore(ci): add pylint workflow @CFenner (#400)
- chore(ci): add ruff workflow @CFenner (#403)
- chore(ci): add mypy workflow @CFenner (#401)
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4.2.0 @renovate (#406)
- chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.6.8 @renovate (#409)
📚 Documentation
- chore(testdata): Add Vitodens 050W data @CFenner (#405)
- chore(testdata): Update Vitoair Fs300E data @CFenner (#389)
- chore(testdata): Add Vitocal 333-G data @edeckert (#345)
- chore(testdata): Add Vitocal 151A data @fb22 (#324)
- chore(testdata): Add Vitodens 343F data @denmaus (#295)
- chore(testdata): Add Vitodens 100W data @sidlauskas (#292)
- chore(testdata): Update Vitocal 250A data @CFenner (#397)
- chore(testdata): Add Vitocal 252 data @CFenner (#407)
- chore(testdata): Add Vitocal 111S data @didjoss (#370)