fix: chain bugs #2840
reviewdog [luac] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (0)
Filtered Findings (18)
data/events/scripts/player.lua|210| unfinished string near '"). z'
data/libs/functions/container.lua|13| '=' expected near 'continue'
data/libs/functions/functions.lua|120| unfinished string near '"You told Jack the truth about his personality. You also explained that you and Spectulus z'
data/libs/functions/gematelier.lua|73| '=' expected near 'continue'
data/libs/functions/monstertype.lua|21| '=' expected near 'continue'
data/global.lua|184| unfinished string near '"You are no longer refilling stamina, z'
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|491| unfinished string near '"Claimed reward no. z'
data/scripts/globalevents/save_interval.lua|18| unfinished string near '" seconds. z'
data/scripts/talkactions/player/tutor_position.lua|5| unfinished string near '"Your current position is: z'
data/scripts/talkactions/god/zones.lua|17| '=' expected near 'continue'
data/scripts/talkactions/gm/teleport_to_player.lua|14| '=' expected near 'continue'
data/scripts/talkactions/gm/broadcast.lua|6| '=' expected near 'continue'
data/scripts/systems/bestiary_charms.lua|5| unfinished string near '"Triggers on a creature with a certain chance and deals 5% z'
data/scripts/lib/register_actions.lua|683| unfinished string near '"Even after a thorough and frustrating z'
data/scripts/lib/register_achievements.lua|557| '=' expected near 'continue'
data/npclib/npc_system/modules.lua|172| unfinished string near '"You don't have any of the other blessings nor an amulet of loss, z'
data/npclib/npc_system/bank_system.lua|15| unfinished string near '"There are three different coin types in Tibia: z'
data/npclib/npc_system/custom_modules.lua|127| unfinished string near '"Send private messages to other players by right-clicking on the player or the player's name and z'