For the theme, and basic layout, we're using a fork of the Federalist Docs theme with a Jekyll install.
The original Federalist license can be found in the bottom half of the file
You can see a live, currently broken version at
It's broken due to the styles not looking in the right place and since content is the priority at the moment, it hasn't been fixed yet.
Until then, you can just download the repo and serve it locally
Assuming you have Ruby installed, you'll need to go ahead and install the Bundler gem if you don't already have it, like so:
gem install bundler
At present, we've had issues with the latest Bundler (version 1.13.6) throwing out permission errors. If you have that same error occur, try removing bundler and installing an earlier version, like so:
gem uninstall bundler
gem install bundler:1.13
Once that's up and running, install the other remaining dependencies
bundle install
Finally, using the go script, serve the toolkit
./go serve
The toolkit will then be available at http://localhost:4000.
If you need to generate HTML, which will have broken CSS (see "How do I access the toolkit"), the go script will automate that for you
./go build
The generated files can then be found in the docs folder.
The reasoning behind the docs folder is that Github Pages allows you to host the docs folder out of the master branch, saving us having to host out of a different branch or repo.
At the moment, the styles are hosted at which is a Ruby gem.
It's also a fork of the 18F styles which we'll eventually pull into this repo at some point.
Until then, you'll have to fork the styles as well and edit the Gemfile to pull in your fork instead of ours