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Merge pull request #1948 from openaps/l10n_master
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peterleimbach authored Jan 8, 2024
2 parents 17d985c + 872ef45 commit 13300a7
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Showing 443 changed files with 657 additions and 724 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/
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Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Místní profily lze také nahrát do Nightscoutu. Nastavení najdete v [nastave

#### Změna profilu v Nightscout editoru profilu

Změny provedené v Nightscout editoru profilu můžete synchronizovat do místního profilu. Nastavení najdete v [nastavení NSClientu](Preferences-nsclient).
You can synchronize changes to the profile in the Nighscout profile editor to local profiles. Nastavení najdete v [nastavení NSClientu](Preferences-nsclient).

Je nezbytné naklonovat všechny aktuální aktivní záznamy v databázi Nightscout, a ne pouze profil s modrou šipkou! Nové databázové záznamy pak obsahují aktuální datum a lze je aktivovat pomocí záložky "místní profil".

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Podrobnosti jsou vysvětleny na stránce nápovědy [pomocník s profilem](../Co

Vyberte jaký zdroj glykémií používáte. Viz stránka [Zdroj glykémie]( pro další informace o nastavení.

![Konfigurace zdroje glykémie](../images/ConfBuild_BGSource_AAPS30.png)
![Konfigurace zdroje glykémie](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png)

* [Sestav si vlastní Dexcom aplikaci (BYODA)](
* [xDrip+](
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44 changes: 15 additions & 29 deletions docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/
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## Základní nastavení

- Postupujte podle obecných opatření při používání CGM a doporučení pro nastavení senzoru [zde](../Hardware/
- For G6 transmitters manufactured after fall/end of 2018 please make sure to use one of the [latest nightly built xDrip+ versions]( Those transmitters have a new firmware and latest stable version of xDrip+ (2019/01/10) cannot deal with it.
- Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/

## Obecné tipy pro použití smyčky s G6

What’s clear is that using the G6 is perhaps a little more complex than it as first suggests. To use it safely, there are a few points to be aware of:
To use it safely, there are a few points to be aware of:

- Pokud používáte nativní data s kalibračním algoritmem aplikace xDrip+ nebo Spike, nejbezpečnější postup je zakázat preemptivní restartování senzoru.
- Pokud musíte preemptivní restarty používat, pak se ujistěte, že senzor zavádíte v takovou denní dobu, kdy můžete sledovat změny a v případě potřeby provést kalibraci.
- Jestliže senzory restartujete, udělejte to bez tovární kalibrace, aby byly výsledky 11 a 12 den co nejbezpečnější, nebo buďte připraveni provést kalibrace a sledujte odchylku.
- Pre-soaking of the G6 with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor.
- Jestliže nechcete sledovat změny, ke kterým může docházet, možná bude lepší přepnout na režim bez továrních kalibrací a používat systém jako G5.
- If you are using a rebatteried or modded transmitter with xDrip+, the safest thing to do is **disable** preemptive restarts of the sensor that are anyway not needed for xDrip+.
- Nastřelení senzoru G6 předem v kombinaci s tovární kalibrací pravděpodobně povede k odchylkám ve výsledcích měření. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor.

Chcete-li se dozvědět další informace o podrobnostech a důvodech pro tato doporučení, přečtěte si [kompletní článek]( který sepsal Tim Street na adrese [](
To learn more about the details and reasons for these recommendations read the [complete article]( published by Tim Street at [](

## Používáte-li G6 s aplikací xDrip+

- Vysílač Dexcom G6 může být připojen současně k přijímači Dexcom (nebo pumpě t:slim) a zároveň k vašemu telefonu.
- Pokud používáte xDrip+ jako přijímač, nejprve odinstalujte aplikaci Dexcom. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!**
- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+.
- If not already set up then download [xDrip+]( and follow instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/
- If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/
- Select xDrip+ in ConfigBuilder (setting in AAPS).
- Nastavte xDrip+ podle popisu konfigurace na stránce \<../Configuration/>\`\_\_
- Pokud AAPS nedostává hodnoty glykémie, když je telefon v režimu letadlo, použijte volbu 'Identify receiver' tak, jak je popsáno v [popisu nastavení xDrip+](../Configuration/
- Adjust settings in xDrip+ according to [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/
- If AAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode use 'Identify receiver' as describe on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/

## Pokud chcete použít G6 s vlastní vytvořenou upravenou Dexcom aplikací

- As of December 2020 [Build Your Own Dexcom App]( (BYODA) also supports local broadcast to AAPS and/or xDrip+ (not for G5 sensors!)
- As of December 2020 [Build Your Own Dexcom App]( (BYODA) also supports local broadcast to AAPS and/or xDrip+ (not for G5/ONE/G7 sensors!)
- Tato aplikace vám umožní používat vysílač Dexcom G6 s libovolným telefonem s Androidem.
- Odinstalujte originální Dexcom aplikaci nebo upravenou Dexcom aplikaci, pokud jste již dříve používali kteroukoli z nich.
- Uninstall the original Dexcom app or patched Dexcom app if you used one of those previously (**do not stop** the currently running sensor)
- Nainstalujte stažený apk
- Enter sensor code and transmitter serial no. in patched app.
- In phone settings go to apps > Dexcom G6 > permissions > additional permissions and press 'Access Dexcom app'.
- Po krátkém čase by BYODA měla zachytit signál vysílače. (If not you will have to stop sensor and start new one.)
- Po krátkém čase by BYODA měla zachytit signál vysílače.

### Settings for AAPS

- V konfiguraci vyberte 'Dexcom aplikace (upravená)'.
- Pokud neobdržíte žádné hodnoty, vyberte jiný zdroj dat, následně opět vyberte 'Dexcom aplikace (upravená)', abyste spustili proces získání oprávnění pro navázání lokálního spojení mezi AAPS a upravenou Dexcom aplikací.
- If you don't receive any values select any other data source, then re-select 'Dexcom App (patched)' to trigger the demand for permissions to establish the connection between AAPS and BYODA-broadcast.

### Nastavení pro xDrip+

Expand All @@ -54,22 +50,12 @@ Chcete-li se dozvědět další informace o podrobnostech a důvodech pro tato d

### Dexcom G6 konkrétní řešení problémů

- Transmitters with serial no. starting with 80 or 81 need at least last stable xDrip+ version from May 2019 or a newer nightly build.
- Transmitters with serial no. starting with 8G need at least nightly build from July 25th, 2019 or newer.
- xDrip+ and Dexcom app cannot be connected with the transmitter at the same time.
- Wait at least 15 min. between stopping and starting a sensor.
- Nepoužívejte zadání dřívějšího času. Answer question "Did you insert it today?" always with "Yes, today".
- Nepovolujte "restartování senzoru" při nastavení nového senzoru
- Nespuštějte nový senzor dokud nejsou zobrazeny následující informace na obrazovce > Stav G5/G6-> PhoneServiceState:
- Transmitter serial starting with 80 or 81: "Got data hh:mm" (i.e. "Got data 19:04")
- Transmitter serial starting with 8G or 8H: "Got glucose hh:mm" (i.e. "Got glucose 19:04") or "Got no raw hh:mm" (i.e. "Got now raw 19:04")

![xDrip+ PhoneServiceState](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_PhoneServiceState.png)
- Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here](

### Obecné řešení problémů

General Troubleshoothing for CGMs can be found [here](./
General Troubleshooting for CGMs can be found [here](./

### Nový vysílač se spuštěným senzorem

If you happen to change transmitter during a running sensor session you might try to remove the transmitter without damaging the sensor mount. A video can be found at <>.
If you happen to change transmitter during a running sensor session you might try to remove the transmitter without damaging the sensor mount. A video can be found at <> and [here](
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/
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Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int
## 4. Use Juggluco

- Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](
- Follow the instructions [here](
- Follow the instructions [here](
- In Settings, enable xDrip+ broadcast (which doesn't send data to xDrip+ but to AAPS).

![Juggluco broadcast to AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png)
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/
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Expand Up @@ -212,10 +212,11 @@ On the Android Studio Welcome screen, check that "**Projects**" (1) is highlight

- "Git" should be selected (by default) as version control (2).

Now copy this URL:````
Now copy this URL:


and paste it into the URL textbox (3).

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Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Follow the instructions at [Gradle Resync](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-
If you are using Windows 10 you must use a 64-bit operating system.
There are a lot of manuals on the internet how to determine wether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit OS - i.e. [this one](
There are a lot of manuals on the internet how to determine wether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit OS - i.e. [this one](
![Screenshot Unable to start daemon process](../images/AndroidStudioWin10_32bitError.png)
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion docs/CROWDIN/cs/Usage/
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Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet

- To reduce the number of decisions you are asked to make while in Open Loop, set a wide target range _e.g._ 90 - 150 mg/dl or 5.0 - 8.5 mmol/l.

- # You might want to set a wider upper limit, or even disable Open Loop, at night.For each question, there may be more than one answer that is correct! If an incorrect answer is selected, the question will be time-locked for a certain amount of time (60 minutes) before you can go back and answer the question again. Be aware that the order of the answers may have changed when you next try to answer, this is to make sure you read them carefully and really understand the validity (or not) of each response.
- You might want to set a wider upper limit, or even disable Open Loop, at night.

For each question, there may be more than one answer that is correct! If an incorrect answer is selected, the question will be time-locked for a certain amount of time (60 minutes) before you can go back and answer the question again. Be aware that the order of the answers may have changed when you next try to answer, this is to make sure you read them carefully and really understand the validity (or not) of each response.

When **AAPS** is installed for the first time, you will have to complete the whole of **Objective 3** before moving on to **Objective 4**. Each objective is required to be completed in sequential order. New features will gradually be unlocked as progress is made through the objectives.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/CROWDIN/cs/
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Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ The [M5Stack]( is a small box which

SugarPixel is a device for secondary glucose display alert system for continuous glucose monitoring that connects with Dexcom app or Nightscout app on the user’s smartphone. The device displays real time blood sugar readings. This CGM hardware monitor benefits from random tone generation audio alerts (which are incredibly loud), vibration alerts for hearing impaired, customisable display options and native multi-user following.



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Binary file modified docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ConfBuild_BG.png
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Binary file added docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/MenuConfigBuilder.png
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15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions docs/CROWDIN/cs/
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Expand Up @@ -272,11 +272,18 @@ If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Mess

_Note that **NSClient** has been replaced by **AAPSClient** for AAPS version 3.2 and higher, check the version release notes for more information._

For versions of AAPS which are older than AAPS 3.2, if you have a caregiver/parent Android phone you can directly download and install the [**AAPSClient**]( app. **AAPSClient** looks very similar in appearance to **AAPS** itself, offering the caregiver tabs that will remotely action commands in **AAPS**:
For versions of AAPS which are older than AAPS 3.2, if you have a caregiver/parent Android phone you can directly download and install the [**AAPSClient**]( apk. **AAPSClient** looks very similar in appearance to **AAPS** itself, offering the caregiver tabs that will remotely action commands in **AAPS**:


There are 2 versions of the app you can [download](, **AAPSClient** & **AAPSClient2**. The only difference between the two versions is the app name. This allows you to install the **AAPSClient** app twice on the same phone, to follow two different people or Nightscout accounts at the same time. To download AAPSClient, click on "app-AAPSClient-release" (it may be a newer version to that shown in the screenshot):
There are 2 versions of the apk that can be [downloaded](, **AAPSClient** & **AAPSClient2** which have a subtle but important difference as explained below.

**AAPSClient** can be installed on a single phone or multiple follower phones (i.e. parent 1’s follower phone and parent 2’s follower phone) in order for both caregivers to be granted access and remote control a patient's **AAPS** phone.

Should a caregiver require a second copy of **AAPSClient** to remote control a additional patient with a nightscout account, they should install **AAPSClient2** in addition to **AAPSClient**. **AAPSClient 2** allows a single caregiver to install the **AAPSClient** apk twice on the same follower phone in order to be given simultaneous access and remote control to two different patients.

To download **AAPSClient**, click on “app-AAPSClient-release” (it may be a newer version to that shown in the screenshot):


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -639,7 +646,7 @@ The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** W

● Tick for Wear selection under General


To change to a different **AAPS** watchface, press on the home screen of the watch and it will come to “customise”. Then swipe right until you get to all the **AAPS** faces.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -721,7 +728,7 @@ The **AAPSClient** wear apk can be transferred to your phone and side-loaded ont


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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/
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Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Lokale Profile können auch zu Nightscout hochgeladen werden. Die Einstellungen

#### Profil im Nighscout Profil-Editor ändern

Du kannst Änderungen am Profil im Nighscout Profil-Editor mit lokalen Profilen synchronisieren. Die Einstellungen sind in den [NSClient Einstellungen](Preferences-nsclient)zu finden.
You can synchronize changes to the profile in the Nighscout profile editor to local profiles. Die Einstellungen sind in den [NSClient Einstellungen](Preferences-nsclient)zu finden.

Es ist erforderlich, alle aktiven Datensätze der gesamten Nightscout Datenbank für die Profile zu klonen und nicht nur ein Profil mit dem blauen Pfeil! Die neuen Datensätze tragen dann das aktuelle Datum und können über die Registerkarte "lokales Profil" aktiviert werden.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Details werden auf der separaten [Profil-Helfer-Seite](../Configuration/profileh

Hier kannst du auswählen, aus welcher Quelle AAPS die BZ-Werte empfangen soll. Weitere Informationen findest du auf der Seite [BZ-Quelle](

![Konfigurations-Generator - BZ-Quelle](../images/ConfBuild_BGSource_AAPS30.png)
![Konfigurations-Generator - BZ-Quelle](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png)

* [Build Your Own Dexcom App (BYODA)]( - Wähle zusätzlich in den Einstellungen “Sende BZ-Werte zu xDrip+”, wenn du die xDrip+ Alarme nutzen willst.
* [xDrip+](
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