This repository outlines the security policy enforcement for the OpenTelemetry organization, using the Allstar GitHub App. Allstar helps enforce security best practices by automatically checking and ensuring our repositories comply with our established policies.
Allstar is configured to take the following action upon detecting a policy violation within any repository in the OpenTelemetry organization:
- issue: For each violation, Allstar will create a GitHub issue within the affected repository. If the issue remains open and unchanged for more than 36 hours, it will be pinged with a comment every 36 hours. The issue will be automatically closed by Allstar once the violation is resolved.
The following Allstar security policies are actively enforced across the OpenTelemetry organization's repositories:
- Ensures that each repository has assigned administrators.
- Maintains that teams are designated as administrators.
- Monitors GitHub Actions workflows to ensure they adhere to our security rules.
- Checks for the use of static security scans within the workflows.
- Prevents binary artifacts from being committed to the repositories.
- Ensures that source code is human-readable and free from hidden vulnerabilities.
- Verifies that the main branches (e.g.,
) have branch protection rules enforced, such as required reviews, status checks, and more.
- Checks that a security policy file named
is present and properly filled out in each repository or at the organisation. This file should detail how to report security vulnerabilities.