I'd like to thank Shahab NasrollahZadeh Mehrabadi for his contribution on ZK 6.5/7
=== How to use
- copy ZkPersianDatePicker.jar (zk3)/ persiandatebox (zk6.5/7) in your project library (CLASSPATH)
<?page title="ZK Persian Date Picker"?>
<window position="center,top" title="ZK Persian Date Picker!!" border="normal"
width="750px" height="750px">
<label value="You are using zk version : ${desktop.webApp.version}"/>
<PersianDateBox id="pdt" >
<attribute name="onChange">
<button label="Click To Pick A Date">
<attribute name="onClick">
<label id="lblDate" ></label>
<label id="lblSolarDate"></label>
- onChange attribute on PersianDatePicker only works with zk 3.6.3 for more information about methods please visit java docs. source code also is available in jar files.