TransAtlasDB is an integrated database system from transcriptome analysis data.
This is the GitHub repository for the documentation of the TransAtlasDB software.
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The TransAtlasDB toolkit is written in Perl and can be run on diverse hardware systems where standard Perl modules and the Perl-DBD module are installed. The package consist of the following files:
INSTALL-tad.pL: install TransAtlasDB system.
connect-tad.pL: verify connection details or create connection details (used only when requested).
- import samples metadata and RNAseq data into the database.
- interactive interface to explore database content.
- view or export reports based on user-defined queries.
other folders:
- schema : contains the TransAtlasDB relational database schema.
- example : contains sample files and templates.
- lib : contains required Perl Modules.
- web : TransAtlasDB web portal ( is visible after executing )
Operating System :
- Linux / Mac (tested and verified)
Databases :
- FastBit
Perl Modules needed :
- DBD::mysql
- Spreadsheet::Read
- Spreadsheet::XLSX
- Text::TabularDisplay
- Sort::Key
Quick Guide:
- To install [RECOMMENDED: with root priviledges] -password <mysql-password>
- More details and instructions are provided at
- Requirements in the above section (TransAtlasDB installation).
- PHP (at least version 5.5.38)
- Apache (at least version 2.4.18)
- After installation of the TransAlasDB databases and dependencies (as show above). The web folder is provided and should be moved to your localhost or apache location.
If you have questions, comments and bug reports, please email me directly. Thank you very much for your help and support!