This is an Arduino based Shooting game system. Free to use, you need to make the components your self.
It's wireless and uses nrf24l01 modules to communicate to the targets and the main system.
Well it will cost you some money, for the components, and maufactoring the pcb, BUT to have your custom build game is priceless.
If you are going to use many targets, you need to redesign main unit pcb to work with ATmega2560 chip (same as in Arduino Mega) The code here is by default set for 5 targets, but you can adjust it. Test the code in Arduino software when you change to see if your amount of targets is accepted.
2023-09-01: Did a redesign on the Nextion Screen. Files uploaded
2023-08-31: The clock function is now added to the code, and some adjustments done in the code
2023-08-30: The first BETA version of main unit is released.
2023-08-04: Working on the code for main unit and design for the touchscreen.
2023-08-01: Kicad files now uploaded
2023-07-31: The main unit has been tested and everything seems to be working. The kicad files will soon be uploaded.
Front side of the PCB.2023-02-05: The Target PCB Is now avalible for kicad and arduino code.
Did a redesign of the target sensor, everything is now on the top side. Added jst connections instead of soldering.
Front side of the PCB.Feel free to take part in this project. Go to Discussion to ask questions or discuss about the project.