This project was created for the Software Design final project, Spring 2024.
Sandman's Topdown Adventure is an adventure game inspired by the top-down view of classic JRPGs like Pokemon, Dragon Quest, and Chrono Trigger. In this game, the player explores a vast world and meets characters with different problems. When the player helps solve each of the characters' problems, they win! Afterwards, the player is free to continue exploring the world.
For more information, please go to our website:
In order to run this program, users should navigate to the file in the root folder and press run. If all system requirements and package installs are up to par with the project requirements listed below, the project should run without a hitch!
This game follows an MVC architecture with a Controller class, a View class, and a series of Model classes. All files that track and update the game state can be found in the Model folder. The files that contain the Controller and the View classes are named as such and can be found in the project's root folder.
Most supplemental resources can be found in the Resources folder. This includes JSON files that store hard-coded game data, as well as visual assets such as player sprites, NPC sprites, and map tilesets. The one exception to this is the .tmx map files, which needed to be stored in the project's root folder in order to load correctly. Unit tests can also be found in the root folder. Finally, the files for the Github Pages website can be found in the docs folder.
Finally, the file, which runs the program, can be found in the project's root folder.
We imported the following packages for this project:
- pygame (to provide a data structure for sprites)
- pyTMX (to port our .tmx map files into pygame structure)
- json (to load json data into our project)
Note that the first two packages, pygame and pyTMX, will need to be installed (see requirements.txt for more information). json is a built-in package with Python and therefore does not need to be installed.
This project was created in VSCode in Python 3.11.8; as such, users should be sure that their Python is up to date. For more information, users can look at the Software Design Computational Setup:
For additional information, please look at the requirements.txt file. This file was generated using code provided by the Software Design teaching team.
Here is a list of the assets used in our project and their sources. All assets were either purchased or were permissible to use by the artists.
Tilesets by Clockwork Raven on Link:
Player sprites by PizzaSun and tebited15 on DeviantArt Link:
NPC sprites by Pipoya on Link: