Releases: olin/collascii
Releases · olin/collascii
- New shortcuts Shift+Left and Shift+Right for jumping screens horizontally (#78)
- Improved (and macOS-supported) CLI (#82)
- Cleaner mode picking UI (#84)
- Fixed crashes when using the mouse (#96)
- Updates to networking protocol (#98)
A couple of stability changes here - less screen tearing and better error handling.
Demo day release!
- fewer bugs
- networking (#67)
- a mode picker (#45)
- modes
- insert, with return-line support (#46)
- brush mode, with mouse support (#37)
- panning
- freeline
- a license (AGPL-3.0)
- full-page movement with PG_UP/PG_DOWN
- a slidedeck
Some stability improvements:
- fixed some off-by-one bugs where the bottom row and right column weren't displayed
- segfaults no longer occur when the canvas is smaller than the terminal window
- editing past the edge of the canvas no longer writes into mysterious memory locations
a e s t h e t i c s
- non-canvas areas are filled with
A couple of other modes exist, but they can't be accessed without recompiling.
You can pan around the canvas by moving to the edges of the screen, and under the hood the canvas
structure is used to store the text instead of an ncurses
test release, please ignore
Travis release auto-build-and-upload works!
v0.1: Frontend MVP
You can move around and edit text, and that's about it.