- users can see a list of articles
- users can press a button to load more articles
- Fork this repository. Create a feature branch to do your work. When done create a pull request back to bauermediaau as a new branch.
- There is no design, feel free to make the list as aesthetically pleasing as you like as long as the main requirements are met.
- If there are any questions, feel free to record any assumptions made.
- use React for rendering the HTML list and button ui
- use the Flux data flow pattern
- code must be unit tested, adhere to SOLID principles and be self documenting
- code may be written using ES2016/ES2017, enable any options you like in Babel
- use local JSON files as pages of articles to display
- all articles have unique ids, titles and images. one article is:
id: 1,
title: "article title 1",
image: "http://placehold.it/300x250&text=image 1"