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React app template (TS + Webpack)

This bootstrap template contains multiple tools configuration in "ready to use", i.e copy & paste state.

When I make my way back to development from management and consulting, I usually start from the basics. I have compiled the most valuable and not overly complex cases to set up most of the features.

It's not a minimal setup, but it provides sufficient setup for web-app development, including the most recent updates in frontend technology.

My favorite stack includes the following: TypeScript, React, TailWindCSS, PostCSS, WebPack, ESLint+Prettier.

Build & Configuration

  • project.env file and environments configs
  • Latest TypeScript & separate configs for node, es2016 and es2022
  • ESM modules both for node and react configured using custom loader
  • ESLint + Prettier(as plugin) for React and Node
  • Husky + Cimmitizen github hooks
  • Custom WebPack TS wrapper
  • Extended WebPack config including:
    • post-css + TailWindCSS
    • purge-css, prune licenses and fund requests
    • Custom index.html based on HandleBars
    • es-build TS loader
  • Code Splitting and route async loading(lazy loading)
  • Nginx based simple docker for static serve
  • [TBD] Terraform based deploy to AWS

Web App Modules

  • React + React-Router
  • TailWindCSS with MaterialDesign v3 Palette Tokens
  • [TBD] MD3 colors in TailWindCSS color palette notation
  • [TBD] XState example
  • [TBD] unit testing
  • [TBD] e2e testing

Git hooks

Husky hooks in package.json doesn't work. You need to create separate hooks with the command below.


module.exports = {
  extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"],
npm install husky --save-dev
npm install @commitlint/cli --save-dev
npm install @commitlint/config-conventional --save-dev
npx husky install # will add .husky folder w/o hooks! Also will change global git config hooksPath -> .husky
npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npm run check:all"
npx husky add .husky/commit-msg "npx commitlint --edit $1 --config=./.configs/commitlint.config.cjs"git add .husky/commit-msg
git add .husky/commit-msg .husky/pre-commit

How to use

  • make install-tools - Install optional tools: jq, ncu, markdown-toc
  • npm run launch:loc - Run development server with types watch
  • npm run build - Build prod files
  • npm run build:loc - Build development/local files
  • make build-docker - Build tuiteraz/jaba-static based docker to serve /dist files
  • make up-docker - Start jaba container on the SERVE_PORT for statics testing
  • make down-docker - Start jaba container

Also one can check Makefile for more details on automation commands.


  • resolve typecheck errors
  • switch to shebang routes