Presenters for DataMapper models.
Stop model obesity! We all love ‘fat model’, ‘skinny controller’, but sometimes it can be taken too far in an attempt to keep all logic out of the controller or view.
The presentation of a model is something that is definitely related, but absolutely not the responsibility of the model. ‘dm-perspectives` allows you to decompose presentation into smaller separate classes. If you have methods like `display_name` or `formatted_date` inappropriately stuffed into a model - then this plugin is for you.
@person = => "John", :last_name => "Doe") @person.perspective(:display).name # => "Doe, John"
Perspectives can be created either in the model:
require 'dm-perspectives' class Widget include DataMapper::Resource property :age, Integer end Widget.perspectives # => [] class Widget include DataMapper::Resource perspective :foo do ... end end Widget.perspectives # => [:foo]
Or in separate class:
class WidgetPerspectives < DataMapper::Perspectives::Base perspective :foo do def age_in_dog_years @resource.age * 7 end end perspective :bar do ... end end Widget.perspectives # => [:foo,:bar] @widget = => 10) @widget.age # => 10 @widget.perspective(:foo).age_in_dog_years # => 70
In order for ‘dm-perspectives` to find your Perspectives, they must be named in the format `#{ModelName}Perspectives`.
Inside the perspective, the presented object is always accessible through the instance variable ‘@resource`.
Perspectives, unless inheriting from another perspective will not have any methods by themselves. You can add methods to perspectives by passing an ‘:include
` option when defining a perspective.
perspective :bar, :include => :properties do ... end
This will include object properties as methods of the perspective.
perspective :bar, :include => [:method1, :method2] do ... end
This will include object ‘methods`, `method1`, and `method2` in the perspective. You can also exclude certain methods by passing in an `:exclude
` option (this is only really useful when passing the special `:properties` option).
I usually make a base perspective, and then have subsequent perspectives inherit from it.
class ApplicationPerspectives < DataMapper::Perspectives::Base end
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Copyright © 2011 Asher Van Brunt. See LICENSE.txt for further details.