The project contains an analysis of Tailored Forming Process Chains in mechanical process engineering and is supplementary material for the paper "O. Karras et al.: Organizing Scientific Knowledge from Engineering Sciences Using the Open Research Knowledge Graph: The Tailored Forming Process Chain Use Case", submitted to the Special Collection for the International Data Week and SciDataCon of the CODATA Data Science Journal.
Zenodo link to the latest release:
This Jupyter notebook contains several analyses of scholarly knowledge from scientific publications on the topic of Tailored Forming Process Chain for the Manufacturing of Hybrid Components with Bearing Raceways Using Different Material Combinations from the research field Mechanical Process Engineering. These analyses are based on domain-specific competency questions about the described scholarly knowledge posed by two domain experts in this research area.
Binder link to the interactive, reproducible, and reusable tailored forming analysis:
In this Jupyter notebook, we analyze the described contributions contained in various comparisons and papers in the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) in terms of their complexity. The goal of this analysis is to understand how complex contributions in existing comparisons and papers are described to compare their complexity to that of our described contributions that belong to a specific comparison on Tailored Forming Process Chain for the Manufacturing of Hybrid Components with Bearing Raceways Using Different Material Combinations from the research field Mechanical Process Engineering. In this way, we want to assess how comparable our comparison and the described contributions are with other comparisons and described contributions that are cited in a published articles. In particular, we investigate the distinct number of resources, literals, and predicates used in described contributions as these numbers are indicators for the design complexity.
Binder link to the interactive, reproducible, and reusable comparison analysis: