Bare bones, mobile-first set up for Moloch frontend with Abridged Wallet SDK by Odyssy
- Install dependencies
$ yarn install
- Run a dev server
$ yarn start
Set up auto-linting and prettier to be run on file save or in real-time in your IDE: VSCode.
Assumes the moloch contracts are forked and deployed to mainnet and kovan if you need testnet support. You will also need an infura endpoint.
Update the contract address(es) and deploy:
Use the serverless framework to get this started. You'll need to install the serveless cli:
Set up your AWS access keys, add them to your aws profile and assign the profile in this serverless.yaml
name: aws
runtime: nodejs8.10
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
profile: <your profile name>
This will build a CloudFormation stack with
- Cognito indentity pool and user pool
- s3 bucket for storing proposal and member metadata
- s3 bucket for hosting the build files and the CloudFront distribution for the front end hosting.
Update the service name in serveless.yml line 1
service: <name of your app>
Build the resources:
$ serverless deploy --stage prod
$ serverless deploy --stage mainnet
Manually add custom field to the Cognito user pool. in the AWS console navigate to cognito/users and select the new pool that was created. You can add fields in the Attibutes section.
All are type: string, min-length: 1, max-length: 256 and mutable
- device_address
- account_address
- ens_name
- encrypted_ks (max length 2000)
- named_devices (max length 2000)
3. Update your .env file with the contract addresses, infura enpoint, subgraph endpoint(s) new AWS resource information. You can find all of the AWS resrouce information in the AWS console in the respective areas.
Sync production build to S3 and invalidate the cloudfront cache.
build the app for dev/kovan:
$ yarn build
build the app for dev/kovan:
$ yarn prod-build
You could use the aws cli to do this if you want to:
$ aws s3 sync build/ s3://<your s3> --profile <your profile name>
invalidate cloudfront cache:
$ aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id <your distribution id> --paths /\* --profile <your profile name>
You will need to set up an ssl cert and point some cname records at the cloudfront distibution. Detailed instructions here:
Get a ssl cert from ACM. You'll have to verify domain ownership by adding a cname record where you're domain is managed. happe
Update your CloudFront distribution to use the new certificate once it is provisioned.
Create cname records to point the domain at the CloudFront url