This is an important topic in NLP: Extract representative Keywords on each news or article in a collection of articles.
From the attached news.xml file, the script should extract the most important 5 keywords and print them with the title of the article.
Using Sickit Learn and MLTK basically to process the news texts and find the most frequent keywords.
Brain Disconnects During Sleep:
sleep cortex consciousness tononi tm
New Portuguese skull may be an early relative of Neandertals:
skull fossil europe trait genus
Living by the coast could improve mental health:
health coast mental living household
Did you knowingly commit a crime? Brain scans could tell:
brain suitcase study security scenario
Computer learns to detect skin cancer more accurately than doctors:
dermatologist skin melanoma cnn lesion
US economic growth stronger than expected despite weak demand:
rate growth quarter economy investment
Microsoft becomes third listed US firm to be valued at $1tn:
microsoft share cloud market company
Apple's Siri is a better rapper than you:
siri rhyme smooth rizzo producer
Netflix viewers like comedy for breakfast and drama at lunch:
netflix day comedy viewer tv
Loneliness May Make Quitting Smoking Even Tougher:
smoking loneliness smoke quit lead