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ADL:  Architectural Description Language

ADL is an architecture description language which allows the user to model the
ISA of a microprocessor.

uADL is a micro-architecture description language, designed to model the
internal structure of a microprocessor for the purposes of simulating
cycle-accurate simulation.

Linux is the primary platform for ADL (32-bit or 64-bit).  Most of the suite has
been ported to Solaris; only the GDB integration and the generatedd assembler
are not supported.  The run-time environment has been ported to Windows under
Visual Studio 2008 and should work for Visual Studio 2013.  Please see below for
build directions on Windows.  In addition, this should also compile on Cygwin
and MinGW.

Required Software

To build you will need the following tools.  Versions represent minimum version numbers.

  gcc 5.4.0
  rnumber 2.1.31
  perl 5.8.8
	boost 1.58

To build with maintainer mode (able to regenerate Makefiles) you will need:

  Autoconf 2.69
	Automake 1.15
	Libtool 2.4.6

The following are only required for non-minimal builds.

  plasma 0.9.6
  tcl 8.5
  lz4 1.8.0

The following are required in order to rebuild some of the parsers:

  flex 2.6.0
  bison 3.0.2

If flex and bison are not present, then the existing C++ files are used.

The following is required to build documentation:

  Text::Restructured CPAN module.
	Apache FOP

To check the project out from git via http, you will need Git or greater.

To run the extended XML-database regressions, which validates the XML using a
schema written in Relaxed NG Syntax, you'll need the rnv program.  This may be
obtained from here:

If this program is not installed, then these regressions will be skipped.

You will also need SystemC 2.3.1 to be installed in order to test SystemC
integration.  You will then need to set environment variables SYSTEMC_LIB_DIR


When using the Freescale Tool Repository (/pkg), this corresponds to the
following package policies.  Note that these are split into two files: A
compiler/architecture-specific version and a non-compiler/architecture specific
version.  To build for 32-bit, add the /run32 path for the
compiler/architecture-specific collection to your path; use /run for 64-bit

Non-compiler/architecture-specific collection policy:

	OSS-lz4-/1.8.0 { add -aslink bin/*  }
  prest-/0.003040 { add -aslink bin/*  }
  apache-fop-/0.95 { add -aslink bin/* }
  flex-/2.5.37 { add -aslink bin/*  }

Compiler/architecture specific policy:

  OSS-gcc-/5.4.0 { add -aslink bin/*  }

To Checkout and Build From Git

./ <options>

  This runs autoreconf and configure using default options.  After it's done,
	run make.  If you want to simply configure with the default options, but not
	run autoreconf then set NORECONF=1, e.g.:

	  NORECONF=1 ./

  The above is Bash syntax.

	You need automake 1.11.1 and autoconf 2.68 for autoreconf to be able to run.

	You can also just run ./configure, as described below.  However, you will
	need to configure with "--enable-maintainer-mode" or run in
	order to modify any  This will, of course, require automake.

	The default when running is to build w/o optimization and w/o
	shared library support, while the default for just plain configure is to
	enable optimization and to enable shared library support.

  To enable optimization:  --enable-opt

	To enable shared library support:  --enable-shared

	To enable profiling via gprof:  --enable-prof

To Build From A Distribution:

./configure <options>

	 Note that bulding in a separate build directory is supported.  Just create a
	 build directory, then run ADL's configure script form inside the build
	 directory.  Absolute and relative paths to configure are supported.

   The most common option is "--prefix=<dir>", which specifies the
   target directory.  You may need to modify your PATH or supply other
   options so that configure is able to find the programs it needs, such
   as gcc 4.1.1.

   Other useful options:

	 --enable-maintainer-mode: Turn on Makefile dependencies, so that changes to
     Makefiles will re-run automake.

	 --disable-shared/--enable-shared: By default, the use libtool is enabled, so
     that shared objects will be built for all libraries.  You can disable this
     via --disable-shared, which is often nice for when doing development.  For
     installs, it is recommended to build shared objects.

	 --disable-opt/--enable-opt.  By default, the project is built with
     optimization.  For development, disable optimization for faster build times
     and for debugging.

   This builds the system.

make check

   This runs the regression.

make pcheck (3.x series)

	 Run the regression with 8 parallel jobs at a time.

make install

   This installs the program.

Building on Windows

Microsoft Visual C++

ADL supports Microsoft Visual C++ 2013.  Only the back-end support libraries,
standalone models and assemblers/disassemblers are supported on Windows; the
front-end parser tools are not supported.

A solution file, adl2013.sln, is distributed with the project.  It expects the
RNumber project to be present in the same directory as the *adl* directory.  It
also expects for there to be directories called "model", "uadl-model", and
"asm-disasm" at the same level as the adl directory, which contain example ADL
ISS, uADL, and assembler/disassembler code.  The "model" project expects to find
a source file named "", the uADL project expects to have a source file
named "", and the "as-adl" and "objdump-adl" project expects to
have files "" and "" in the "asm-disasm" directory.  You
can load, unload, or modify these projects as necessary.

The Boost project should be specified via the BOOST_ROOT environment variable
and SystemC via the SYSTEMC_ROOT environment variable.

These directions assume that you have already installed Microsoft Visual Studio
2013 and Cygwin.  The scripts referred to below are bash scripts run within a
Cygwin bash prompt.

To build:

1.  Untar the various projects into a single directory.  You may also check-out
  	the adl project via git (either Cygwin or TortoiseGit).

2.  Rename the RNumber library to "rnumber" if untarred.

3.  Rename the ADL package to "adl" if untarred.

4.  Run the script adl/scripts/win-env-setup to create the necessary support

5.  Install Boost 1.58 or higher.  Steps for installing boost can be found here:  The
    steps are equivalent across versions.  In a nutshell, download the boost zip
    file and unzip it into C:\boost\boost_<version>.

		Then open a command prompt, change to this directory, and run the following:

		  C:\WINDOWS> cd C:\boost\boost_1_58_0

			C:\boost\boost_1_58_0> bootstrap.bat

			C:\boost\boost_1_58_0> b2 ^
			More? --build-dir="C:\Users\bkahne\build-boost" ^
			More? --build-type=complete --toolset=msvc-12.0 ^
			More? asmflags=\safeseh stage

		Then, create an environment variable, BOOST_ROOT, set to
		C:\boost\boost_1_58_0.  Note the use of the asmflags option.  This is needed
		so that the Boost context library is compatible with ADL's SystemC example.

		Finally, move the libraries in stage/lib to a directory called
		lib32-msvc-12.0 within the boost directory.

7.  Copy your ADL model into the model directory, copy your uADL model into the
	  uadl-model directory, and copy the generated assembler and disassembler
	  files into the asm-disasm directory.  

		This can be run automatically by executing the script "update-win-test3",
	  created by win-env-setup.  The script simply copies generated ADL/uADL data
	  from a shared directory.  The script scripts/win-test-setup is intended to
	  be run on the Linux side to create these files.

		The scrupt update-win-test3 assumes that you have an environment variable
		named 'adl' which points to the ADL collateral files via a mounted path.
		This can be either via Cygwin (which automatically shows mounted files) or
		via the Windows 10 Linux Subsystem, in which case you may need to explicitly
		mount the shared disk.  For example:

		  sudo mkdir -p /mnt/x
			sudo mount -t drvfs '\\\directory' /mnt/x

8.  If desired, build SystemC.  This can be downloaded from  For SystemC 2.3.2, a zip file exists.  For older
    versions, the download is a tarball, so I recommend untarring via Cygwin's
    tar command.  Once untarred, copy the msvc10 directory to msvc120 and then
    open the solution file in systemc-2.3.2/msvc120/SystemC and build using
    Visual C++ 2013.

		ADL is built with the multi-threading DLL (debug for the Debug
	  configuration), so make sure that this matches with what SystemC is set up
	  to build.  This means that you'll need to go to Properties -> Configuration
	  Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation and change the Runtime Library
	  setting to "Multi-threaded Debug DLL" for the Debug configuration and to
	  "Multi-threaded DLL" for the Release configuration.

		Then set the SYSTEMC_ROOT environment variable:

      SYSTEMC_ROOT=C:\Documents and Settings\bkahne\My Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\systemc-2.3.2

		Note that the use of the /vmg option must match between the SystemC project
		and the ADL sysc-model project.  By default, both have this enabled.

    At this point, your directory structure will look like this:

    	adl work/

9. Set the following environment variables:

 	 * ADL_ROOT: Set this to the full path of the ADL project, e.g.:

		   ADL_ROOT="C:\Documents and Settings\bkahne\My Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\adl work\adl"

			 Note: ADL_ROOT is not required for building ADL itself, but useful for
			 when other projects or libraries use ADL.

   * BOOST_ROOT: Set this to the full directory path containing boost, e.g.


   * SYSTEMC_ROOT: Set this to the full directory path of the root of the
     SystemC installation, e.g. 

		   SYSTEMC_ROOT=C:\Documents and Settings\bkahne\My Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\systemc-2.3.2

10. Open the adl2013 solution.

	  If you do not have an ADL model, uADL model, or assembler, you will want to disable
	  those projects.

    The result will be various libaries in the respective output directory ("debug"
    or "release" subdirectories of "adl work"), plus executables named "model.exe"
    and "uadl-model.exe", which are standalone executables.

11. Run the regression using the script run-test3.  This takes a command-line
    option of either "release" or "debug" to specify which version to run.