A .NET Core based Discord chess bot
- !? or !help
- !info, about the bot
- !challenge, !challenge @SomeDiscordUser, challenge another player to a match
- !accept, accept a match challenge or undo request
- !move, !move a2a4 or !a2a4, move your piece, if your pawn reaches the other side of the board it will be promoted to queen by default. You can promote your pawn to other pieces if you like, r = Rook, b = Bishop, q = Queen, n = Knight. An example move promoting a white pawn to a Knight would be !a7a8n
- !resign, resign the match
- !show, display the board
- !undo, !undo 3, request the last 3 moves be undone
- !stats or !stats @SomeDiscordUser, displays yours and the bot's stats or the referenced user's stats and their stats against you.
- !shutdown, this will save on-going games and shutdown the bot.
- !games, views information about ongoing games
- !game, view a game
- !endgame {id}, end a game, id can be found from the output of !games
Add Chess Buddies to your Discord server.
- Download the current release from the Releases tab
- Unzip it to a directory.
- Open powershell in the directory(CTRL+SHIFT+Right Click -> Open Powershell Window Here).
- Edit appsettings.json and put your Discord account in the admins field and put your bot's token in the token field. If you don't know how to create a Discord bot or get your bot's token, follow the Discord bot guide.
- Run dotnet ChessBuddies.dll