A go library for formatting HTML.
- whitespaces around and inside inline nodes are conserved
- long lines are never wrapped, and left unchanged
- attributes too are always on a single line after the tag name
- script, style, code, pre contents are treated as text, the indentation is only modified to align with the parent node
There are already plenty of existing HTML formatters. I wrote this one because there is a recurring quirk that I see with HTML formatters, not just in go packages, even in JSX formatters too. The recurring quirk is that the whitespaces are not correctly inserted or conserved.
For instance:
Whitespaces around, between, in, after texts/nodes
should be <i>conserved</i>. The period from
the last sentence should not be separated with
a space, but this one <b>is</b> .
<em> This has a leading space</em>
<em>This has a trailing space </em>
Some formatters will output:
Whitespaces around, between, in, after texts/nodes
should be
. The period from
the last sentence should not be separated with
a space, but this one
This has a leading space
This has a trailing space
While the HTML may look organized, whitespaces are inserted where it shouldn't be. This will look weird when rendered, such as the period dangling on its own,
Whereas, this library will output:
Whitespaces around, between, in, after texts/nodes
should be <i>maintained</i>. The period from
the last sentence should not be separated with
a space, but this one <b>is</b> .
<em> This has a leading space</em>
<em>This has a trailing space </em>
- create a site that compares output of different libraries