Resource allocator and scheduler for running Dockerized jobs on top of Amazon EC2 Container Service cluster using EC2 Spot Instances.
This project is not even alpha version, it's just a proof of concept with example showing how to run with it Deep Learning with TensorFlow using cheap EC2 spot instances as computation resource.
Blog Post: Large scale Deep Learning with TensorFlow on EC2 Spot Instances
Resource allocator is responsible for allocating compute resources in EC2 based in outstanding jobs resource requirements. Right now it's only dummy implementation that can support fixed size ECS cluster built from spot instances. You need to define upfront how many instances do you need.
Scheduler decides on what available container instance to start pending jobs. It's using bin-packing with fitness calculators (concept borrowed from Netflix/Fenzo) to choose best instance to start new task. It's the main difference from default ECS scheduler that places tasks on random instances.
This project is written in Clojure and use Leiningen build tool.
lein compile
lein test
Docker image based on official TensorFlow Docker image and Image Recognition Tutorial.
It takes 2 arguments:
- Range of images that needs to be classified: 0:1000 - first 10000 images from
- S3 path where to put classification result: s3://distributo-example/imagenet/inferred-0-1000.txt
In order to run it you'll also have to provide your AWS credentials. If you will not provide credentials it will still run inference, but will fail at the very end trying to upload final file.
docker run -it -e 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...' -e 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=...' \
ezhulenev/distributo-tensorflow-example \
0:1000 s3://distributo-example/imagenet/inferred-0-1000.txt
Distributo uses AWS JAVA SDK to access your AWS credentials. If you don't have them already configured you can do it with AWS CLI
aws configure
After that you can start you cluster and run TensorFlow inference with this command:
lein run --inference \
--num-instances 1 \
--batch-size 100 \
--num-batches 10 \
--output s3://distributo-example/imagenet/
Distributo doesn't free resources after it's done with inference, to be able to do multiple runs one by one. If you are done, don't forget to clean resources:
lein run --free-resources
Resource allocator and scheduler could be much more clever about their choices of regions, availability zones and instance types to be able to build most price-effective cluster out of resources currently available on spot market.
Copyright 2016 Eugene Zhulenev. Distributo is licensed under Apache License v2.0.