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Merge pull request #135 from nsidc/ecdr-at-25km-ss
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Ecdr at 25km ss
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trey-stafford authored Sep 12, 2024
2 parents 74bfd45 + 94eba01 commit 8d06f28
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361 changes: 361 additions & 0 deletions scripts/ancillary/
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Generate a daily climatology from Bootstrap (NSIDC-0079) data
- Note: this is expected to be valuable because 0079 is manually QC'd
python [hem]
where hem is nh or sh
and if hem is omitted, both will be generated
Assumes daily 0079 data is located in "standard" ecs directories:
where YYYYMMDD is 8-digit date string
HEM is capital N or S
Overall approach:
- Initialize uint8 daily fields for day-of-year 1-366 to 255
- ignore index zero
- treat last day of year as doy 365
- by accumulating values in both index 365 and 366, and ORing the
final fields
- use separate fields for sea ice extent found (siext) and siext_notfound
- use 10% min for siext threshold
- Loop through all days from 11/01/1978 (start of 0079)
through end of 2023 (current latest-date
- apply any siext to all days +/- 5 day-of-years from current day

import datetime as dt
import os

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from scipy.signal import convolve2d

fn_0079_ = (
fn_dayclim_ = "daily_siext_from0079_{d0}-{d1}_{gridid}.nc"

reference_gridid_files = {
"psn25": "/share/apps/G02202_V5/v05_ancillary/",
"pss25": "/share/apps/G02202_V5/v05_ancillary/",

# first_date =, 1, 1) # testcase 1986-1988
# last_date =, 12, 31) # testcase 1986-1988

first_date =, 11, 1) # 0079 starts Nov 1, 1978
last_date =, 12, 31) # as of Sept 2024, last full year is 2023

# Will include a doy's observation in mask for doys +/- doy_offset days of
# doy with observations
doy_offset = 4

def iter_adj_doys(date, offset):
"""Return iterator of days-of-year surrounding date"""
d = date - dt.timedelta(days=offset)
while d <= date + dt.timedelta(days=offset):
doy = int(d.strftime("%j").lstrip("0"))
yield doy

d += dt.timedelta(days=1)

def dilate_siext(sie, nosie):
"""Return an array where siext is dilated into land"""
kernel = [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]
# max_iterations = 2
# max_iterations = 5
max_iterations = 10

ndays, ydim, xdim = sie.shape
mask = np.zeros((ndays, ydim, xdim), dtype=np.uint8)
mask[:] = 255

for doy in range(1, 366 + 1):
if doy % 50 == 0:
print(f"Working on doy: {doy} of 366...")

yea = sie[doy, :, :]
nay = nosie[doy, :, :]

for _ in range(max_iterations):
# Dilate yea
is_yea = yea == 100
is_nay = nay == 100
yea_conv = convolve2d(
is_yea, kernel, mode="same", boundary="fill", fillvalue=0
fill_with_yea = (yea_conv > 0) & ~is_nay
yea[fill_with_yea] = 100

# Dilate nay
is_nay = nay == 100
is_yea = yea == 100
nay_conv = convolve2d(
is_nay, kernel, mode="same", boundary="fill", fillvalue=0
fill_with_nay = (nay_conv > 0) & ~is_yea
nay[fill_with_nay] = 100

# Use those values to fill mask
is_nay = nay == 100
is_yea = yea == 100

msk = mask[doy, :, :]
msk[is_nay] = 0
msk[is_yea] = 100
# breakpoint()

return mask

def find_sie_0079(gridid, d0, d1):
if gridid == "psn25":
xdim = 304
ydim = 448
hem = "N"
elif gridid == "pss25":
xdim = 316
ydim = 332
hem = "S"
raise ValueError(f"Cannot figure out xdim, ydim for gridid {gridid}")

sie_exists = np.zeros((367, ydim, xdim), dtype=np.uint8)
nosie_exists = np.zeros((367, ydim, xdim), dtype=np.uint8)

date = d0
while date <= d1:
# if == 1 and (date.month % 3 == 0):
if date.month == 1 and == 1:
print(f"Working on: {date=}", flush=True)

fn_format_dict = {
"dotymd": date.strftime("%Y.%m.%d"),
"strymd": date.strftime("%Y%m%d"),
"hem": hem,
fn0079 = fn_0079_.format(**fn_format_dict)
ds0079 = Dataset(fn0079)
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"FileNotFound: {fn0079}", flush=True)

icecon_vars = [key for key in ds0079.variables.keys() if "_ICECON" in key]
if len(icecon_vars) > 1:
print(f"More than one icecon for {date=}: {icecon_vars}", flush=True)
elif len(icecon_vars) == 0:
# Skip this day
# Values of siconc are 0-1000 (0-100%), 1100 missing, 1200 land
siconc = np.array(ds0079.variables[icecon_vars[0]][0, :, :])

is_siext = (siconc >= 10) & (siconc <= 1000)
is_nosiext = siconc < 10

for doy in iter_adj_doys(date, doy_offset):
sie_exists[doy, is_siext] = 100
nosie_exists[doy, is_nosiext] = 100

date += dt.timedelta(days=1)

# Finalize by ensuring that doy 365 and 366 are the same
has_365 = sie_exists[365, :, :] == 100
hasno_365 = nosie_exists[365, :, :] == 100
has_366 = sie_exists[366, :, :] == 100
hasno_366 = nosie_exists[366, :, :] == 100

sie_exists[366, :, :][has_365] = 100
sie_exists[365, :, :][has_366] = 100

nosie_exists[366, :, :][hasno_365] = 100
nosie_exists[365, :, :][hasno_366] = 100

assert np.all(sie_exists[365, :, :] == sie_exists[366, :, :])
assert np.all(nosie_exists[365, :, :] == nosie_exists[366, :, :])

return sie_exists, nosie_exists

def get_surface_type(gridid, vernum):
# Return the surface_type field for this hem and version
if gridid == "psn25":
hem = "n"
elif gridid == "pss25":
hem = "s"

if vernum == 4:
verstr = "-v04r00"
elif vernum == 5:
verstr = ""

fn = f"/share/apps/G02202_V5/v05_ancillary/ecdr-ancillary-ps{hem}25{verstr}.nc"
ds_anc = Dataset(fn)
surftype = np.array(ds_anc["surface_type"])

return surftype

def gen_dailyclim_0079(hem, d0, d1):

print("Will gen daily climatology from 0079 for:")
print(f" hem: {hem}")
print(f" from: {d0} through {d1}", flush=True)

if hem == "nh":
gridid = "psn25"
xdim = 304
ydim = 448
elif hem == "sh":
gridid = "pss25"
xdim = 316
ydim = 332
raise ValueError(f"Cannot figure out gridid for hem: {hem}")

nc_fn = f"ecdr-ancillary-{gridid}"
if os.path.isfile(nc_fn):
print(f"Output file exists: {nc_fn}")

mask_fn = f'dailyclim_{hem}_{d0.strftime("%Y%m%d")}-{d1.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.dat'
if os.path.isfile(mask_fn):
# Read in the .dat values instead of calculating them
mask = np.fromfile(mask_fn, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(367, ydim, xdim)
print(f" Read mask values from: {mask_fn}", flush=True)
# Calculate the day-of-year [doy] mask values
sie_fn = f'sie_exists_{hem}_{d0.strftime("%Y%m%d")}-{d1.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.dat'
nosie_fn = (

if os.path.isfile(sie_fn) and os.path.isfile(nosie_fn):
print("Will read from:")
print(f" yes: {sie_fn}")
print(f" not: {nosie_fn}", flush=True)
sie_exists = np.fromfile(sie_fn, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(367, ydim, xdim)
nosie_exists = np.fromfile(nosie_fn, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(
367, ydim, xdim
print("Will write to:")
print(f" yes: {sie_fn}")
print(f" not: {nosie_fn}", flush=True)

sie_exists, nosie_exists = find_sie_0079(gridid, d0, d1)


# Fill lake values with 255 if they have 0 or 100 in either sie or nosie
v4_surftype = get_surface_type(gridid, 4)
v5_surftype = get_surface_type(gridid, 5)

is_lake_v4 = v4_surftype == 75
is_lake_v5 = v5_surftype == 75

for doy in range(1, 366 + 1):
sie_exists[doy, is_lake_v4] = 255
sie_exists[doy, is_lake_v5] = 255

nosie_exists[doy, is_lake_v4] = 255
nosie_exists[doy, is_lake_v5] = 255

# Now, process the fields by dilation of yea and nay
mask = dilate_siext(sie_exists, nosie_exists)
mask_fn = f'dailyclim_{hem}_{d0.strftime("%Y%m%d")}-{d1.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.dat'
print(f" Wrote: {mask_fn}", flush=True)

# Create the netCDF file from the mask value
# netcdf file will get its CRS information from a sample file
# The field will be 'invalid_ice_mask'
# - a value of 1 (or True) indicates where sea ice was not observed
# near this day-of-year
# - a value of 0 means that sea ice is permitted for this doy
# ...if the grid cell is ocean (not land)
# In the mask field here:
# 0: invalid ice
# 100: potentially valid sea ice (though could be land, depending on land/surfacetype mask)
# 255: sea ice validity/invalidity not determined because far from ocean
# Note: lakes were filled here and will never have valid sea ice

# Load the reference dataset
reference_ds = xr.open_dataset(reference_gridid_files[gridid])

iim = mask.copy()
iim[mask == 0] = 1
iim[mask != 0] = 0

invalid_ice_mask_arr = xr.DataArray(
dims=("doy", "y", "x"),
"short_name": "daily invalid ice mask",
"long_name": f"{gridid} daily invalid ice mask from NSIDC-0079",
"grid_mapping": "crs",
"flag_values": np.array((0, 1), dtype=np.uint8),
"flag_meanings": "valid_seaice_location invalid_seaice_location",
"units": 1,
"comment": "Mask indicating where seaice will not be found on this day based on climatology from NSIDC-0079",
invalid_ice_mask_arr.encoding["_FillValue"] = None

iim_ds = xr.Dataset(
invalid_ice_mask=invalid_ice_mask_arr[1:, :, :], # exclude doy 0,
doy=np.arange(1, 366 + 1, dtype=np.int16),

# TODO: Does this var need other attrs?
iim_ds.doy.attrs = dict(
long_name="Day of year",
comment="366 days are provided to account for leap years.",

iim_ds.doy.encoding["_FillValue"] = None
iim_ds.y.encoding["_FillValue"] = None
iim_ds.x.encoding["_FillValue"] = None

# TODO: Global attributes will likely be wrong because they are copied!
print(f"Wrote: {nc_fn}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys

all_hems = ("nh", "sh")
hem_list = (sys.argv[1],)
assert hem_list[0] in all_hems
except IndexError:
hem_list = all_hems
print("No hem given, using: {hem_list}", flush=True)
except AssertionError:
err_message = f"""
Invalid hemisphere
{sys.argv[1]} not in {all_hems}
raise ValueError(err_message)

for hem in hem_list:
gen_dailyclim_0079(hem, first_date, last_date)

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