Various JavaScript widgets
Widget for selecting latitude and longitude from a map.
For code examples, check out the Mapsel demo webpage.
Mapsel-instances are created using new Mapsel(options), which accepts the following option-object properties:
- api - API used for maps (defaults to: leaflet)
- background - mapsel container element CSS-background (defaults to: #e3e3e3)
- container - reference to mapsel element container (defaults to: null)
- font - custom font styling using the following format: weight style size color family (all values are optional)
- height - mapsel container element height in pixels (defaults to: 250)
- language - language code used by text translation (defaults to: en)
- latitude - initial latitude value (defaults to: 65.0)
- longitude - initial longitude value (defaults to: 0.0)
- opacity - mapsel container element opacity (defaults to: 1.0)
- precision - decimal precision of coordinates (i.e. number of decimals) (defaults to: 2)
- radius - initial radius in meters, or null to disable (defaults to: null)
- visible - initially hide the mapsel container if set to false (defaults to: true)
- width - mapsel container element width in pixels (defaults to: 200)
The following map APIs are bundled with mapsel:
- google - Google Maps JavaScript API
- leaflet - Leaflet with OpenStreetMap tile server (default)
The following UTF-8 encoded languages are bundled with mapsel:
- en - English (default)
- ja - Japanese
- nb - Norwegian (bokmål)
- nn - Norwegian (nynorsk)
- yue - Cantonese (traditional characters)
- zh - Chinese (simplified characters)
Console widget supporting input and output.
For code examples, check out the Konsoll demo webpage.
- Add API Documentation