These files were created from the links accesible here:
Read up on NAIP here:
These files were create to be loaded into QGIS. Tested on 3.28
- Open QGIS 3.x
- Open the Data Source Manager.
- Open the WMS/WMTS section. Load the naip_imagery_wms_connection.xml file.
- Select the connection to import
- Connect
- Open QGIS 3.x
- Open the Data Source Manager.
- Open the ArcGIS Rest Server section. Load the naip_imagery_arcgisserver_connection.xml file.
- Select the connection to import
- Connect
- The assumption is you will have the internet for these files to work. Granted I don't always have the internet so you might need to download the individual files by US County from
- In the case of Government Shutdown these links will not work (which is so unbelievably stupid I hate even typing that).
I just want to tell you Good Luck. We're All counting on you!