A cli tool to generate automated audit reports based on github issues.
cargo build --release
This will generate the binary ./target/release/reporter
Usage: reporter <COMMAND>
generate Generates a markdown report
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Usage: reporter generate [OPTIONS] <REPO>
<REPO> The target repository from which to fetch the issues
-l, --labels <LABELS> The labels to filter the issues
-t, --title <TITLE> The title of the report [env: REPORTER_REPORT_TITLE=]
-s, --start-date <START_DATE> The time when the audit started [env: REPORTER_START_DATE=]
-i, --include-update-time Include an automatic update time
-r, --repo-url <REPO_URL> The URL of the repository being audited [env: REPORTER_REPO_URL=]
-c, --commit <COMMIT> The git commit of the code that's being audited [env: REPORTER_REPO_COMMIT=]
-g, --github-token <GITHUB_TOKEN> Github secret token [env: GITHUB_TOKEN=]
-h, --help Print help