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@nolanlawson nolanlawson released this 11 May 15:29
· 764 commits to master since this release


Thanks to @sgenoud for help with this release!


Notification filters

You can now filter notifications by "all" vs "mentions." Full filter support is still in progress: #369.

  • feat: implement notification filters (all vs mentions) #1177
  • fix: redesign tabs slightly #1178

Reload to update

When an app update is available, there is now a "reload" button inside of the alert. This is helpful for PWA interfaces that don't have a reload button.

  • feat: add snackbar alert with refresh button #1193

Option to disable OpenGraph cards

You can now hide the OpenGraph cards (i.e. the link previews) if you don't like them.

  • feat: add option to disable open graph cards #1161


Improved and accessible autocomplete

The autocomplete widget is now fully accessible, and it searches for accounts remotely as well as locally.

  • fix: fix autosuggested accounts order #1187
  • fix: fix autosuggest width on mobile #1186
  • fix: make autosuggestion accessible #1183
  • fix: do remote search when autosuggesting accounts #1182
  • fix: throttle XHRs from autosuggest #1190
  • fix: fix flash of searched content in autosuggest #1188

Improved iOS design

@sgenoud has helped out with revamping the iOS design, and fixing the style for devices with a "notch," such as the iPhone X.

  • fix: Fix ios design issues #1199
  • fix: fix style of snackbar on mobile #1197

Less flaky streaming

Pinafore now closes its WebSocket and IndexedDB connections when "frozen" (e.g. as a background tab). This minimizes resource usage and increases the likelihood that, when reopening the app after a long time, notifications and updates will start streaming in normally.

  • fix: close IDB connections when page is frozen #1196
  • fix: close/open websocket on freeze/resume events #1195
  • fix: use fibonacci instead of exponential when streaming #1205

"What's an instance?"

There is now a small tooltip on the word "instance" in the signup page that explains what an instance is, for the benefit of newcomers to the fediverse.

  • fix: add tooltip info on what an instance is #1175

Other bugfixes

  • fix: fix some dialog state issues #1203
  • fix: fix aria-hidden on toast #1194
  • fix: use inputmode=url for instance input #1184
  • fix: fix autofocus in emoji dialog search #1173
  • fix: fix profile clicks from compose dialog #1160
  • fix: Unstretch the card image #1157 (thanks @sgenoud!)

Full changelog