Releases: noisecrime/Unity-AssetStoreOrganizer
Releases · noisecrime/Unity-AssetStoreOrganizer
v1.2 (Unity 5.6.7f1 and above)
Incorporates all the housekeeping and cleanup from changes of editorConfig and NoiseCrimeStudios Core namespaces.
v1.1 (Unity 5.6.7f1 and above)
This release should address the issues regarding light and dark skin usage.
It fixes the colours in light mode and switches to use EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin() to check the editor skin being used.
There is now a single entry point method that determines which colours are used by the asset, which could be overridden if you wanted to - see IsUsingDarkSkinMode() in EditorGuiStyles.cs.
Initial Release supporting Unity 5.6.7f1+
v1.0 Initial Upload