NetMicroscope Backend Integration Daemon (Linux).
About the NetMicroscope (NM for short): A Modularized Network Traffic Analyzer
NM can provide granular information about the traffic flowing from network devices to known applications and services. This is the standard built-in capability provided by the NM software. NM enables network operators to determine degradations in application quality as they happen, even when the traffic is encrypted.
Network Microscope's ML Video Performace Inference Module is capable of inferring video streaming quality metrics in real time, such as startup delay or video resolution, by using just a handful of features extracted from passive traffic measurement. NM passively collects a corpus of network features about the traffic flows of interest in the network and directs those to a real-time analytics framework that can perform more complex inference tasks.
- Inferring Streaming Video Quality from Encrypted Traffic: Practical Models and Deployment Experience. [paper]
F. Bronzino*, P. Schmitt*, S.Ayoubi, G. Martins, R. Teixeira, N. Feamster (*Co-First Authors).
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS) and at ACM Sigmetrics 2020, Boston, USA, June 8-12, 2020.
- download
- run
sudo dpkg -i netmicroscope-daemon-v0.9.9.deb
- edit .env file and rename to
cd /usr/local/src/netmicroscope-daemon/
vim env_template
mv env_template .env
- run
sudo nmd restart
- run
tail -f /tmp/appmonitor.log
and expect to see "OKs".
That means data is being ingested into influxdb
2020-08-21T17:53:02.713 INFO {appmonitor} [printF] TAHandler /tmp/tmp.ta.743143071 is running.
2020-08-21T17:53:05.272 INFO {appmonitor} [printF] Unknown-192.168.XXX.XXX {'KbpsDw': 0.6875, 'KbpsUp': 0.65625, 'TsEnd': 1598050385}
2020-08-21T17:53:05.295 INFO {appmonitor} [printF] OK
2020-08-21T17:53:10.257 INFO {appmonitor} [printF] Unknown-192.168.XXX.XXX {'KbpsDw': 11.86875, 'KbpsUp': 10.7921875, 'TsEnd': 1598050390}
2020-08-21T17:53:10.289 INFO {appmonitor} [printF] OK
sudo apt-get install python3-venv python3-dev -y
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install wheel
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
@reboot root cd /home/<user>/netmicroscope-daemon; sleep 30; ./ >/tmp/ 2>&1
where should look like:
## run netmicroscope
cd nm/src/
./nm #netmicroscope binary with default nmconfig
## activate env
cd -
cd nm/netmicroscope-daemon/
. venv/bin/activate
## run daemon as root (check /tmp/appmonitor.log for messages)
./nmd start
example named cron-netmicroscope
can be used to start-up netmicroscope separated from the daemon.