A fish flock AI Plugin for Unreal Engine 4
一个基于虚幻4的鱼群 AI 插件
this Plugin version can Run 2000+ fishes at the same time
这个插件版本可以同时运行 2000+ 条鱼儿
This is packaged by an unoptimized version( check out branch old_demo)
下载一个打包好的试玩看看, 这个包是没有经过优化过的版本打包出来的( 是用old_demo分支的版本打包的 )
Watch the Video Preview 视频演示
VR :
(My Device is HTC Vive)
Motion Controller FaceButton1 => Move forward
手柄圆盘上键 => 往前移动
PC's KeyBoard Arrow UP and Down => Move faster or slower
电脑键盘的上下箭头键 => 调整移动速度
Hold Motion Controller Trigger Down => Attract fishes
按住手柄扳机键 => 吸引鱼群
PC :
EQ => Up & Down
EQ 键 => 上下
WASD => Basic movement
WASD 键 => 基本的移动指令(前后左右)
Hold Left Mouse Button Down => Attract fishes
按住鼠标左键 => 吸引鱼群
Arrow UP and Down => Move faster or slower
上下箭头键 => 调整移动速度
place Plugins folder in your project root directory, then just like
把Plugins文件夹放在你项目的根目录, 接下来如图
Unreal Engine Version
查看 Craig Reynolds的论文
This project implements a new flocking Ai algorithm, with 3 components :
Separation : every fish will try to steer away from their neighbors
分离性 :每条鱼都会与周围的鱼保持距离
Following the leader : every fish will try to follow its leader
跟随一个领头者 : 每条鱼都会跟随一个领头者
Avoiding enemies.