NNTrainer 0.2.0 Release
We are releasing NNTrainer v0.2.0
RPM Files are for Tizen, built daily at build.tizen.org (https://build.tizen.org/package/show/Tizen:Unified/nntrainer)
and available at download.tizen.org. ( http://download.tizen.org/snapshots/tizen/unified/latest/repos/standard/packages/ )
DEB files are for Ubuntu, built and download from launchpad.net (https:://launchpad.net/~nnstreamer/+archive/ubuntu/ppa )
If you have unresoved dependencies, please download them from Ubuntu universe and nnstreamer PPA
In this release:
- Rewrite
to support Multi-Stride & Padding - Fix
synchronization problem - Add a lot of unit tests to evaluate NNTrainer implementation
and more.
New Features
- New Layers
- Batch Normalization Layer
- Addition & Concat Layer
- Augmentation Layers : Flip / Translate / Permute / Split
- Backbone Layer
- Multi-Output Layer
- Split Layer
- Support Custom Layer with Container (AppContext)
- Introdue Network Graph Structure & Optimization Scheme
- Introduce Techniques to Maximize Buffer Reusability
- Introduce Dynamic Fine-Tuning
- Support In/Out-Place & Lazy Tensor Computation
- Support In/Out Place Layer Calculation to reduce memory consumption
- Introduce Optimizer & Memory Manager for better maintain
- Provides C/C++ APIs
- New Applications
- ResNet
- Custom Layers
- SimpleShot ( Meta-Learning )
and more