a dynamically typed, interpreted scripting language (and interpreter written in C#!)
based on Bob Nystrom's lox language from Crafting Interpreters
Basil is a WIP dynamically typed, interpreted scripting language and C# interpreter designed with user-extensibility in mind. Created to be a companion to C# game development environments (notably, Unity), to be used to create powerful debugging and modding tools.
With a simple Native Function Interface, users can create their own Basil functions in C#, making it easy to integrate into other C# environments, and letting the user define how restrictive they want the bridge between C# and Basil to be.
Also, writing an interpreter and designing your own programming language is fun!
- native function interface
- preprocessing
- lexical analysis
- parsing
- intermediate code generation
- optimization
- code generation
- dynamic typing
- automatic memory management
- data types
- expressions
- statements
- variables
- control flow
- functions
- classes
- inheritance
// fizzbuzz
fun fizzbuzz(start, end)
for (var i = 0; i < end; i++)
if (i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0) print "FizzBuzz";
else if (i % 3 == 0) print "Fizz";
else if (i % 5 == 0) print "Buzz";
else print i;
Creating Basil functions in C# looks like...
namespace BasilLang.NFI
// The NativeFunction attribute tells the interpreter to add this to its Basil function library
public class SayHiFunction : NativeCallable
// what is the name of this method in Basil?
public string MethodName => "sayHi";
// How many arguments does the function have?
public int Arity()
return 1;
// sayHi("Developer");
// will print 'Hello, Developer'
public object Call(Interpreter interpreter, List<object> arguments)
Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + arguments[0].ToString());
return null;
- finalize basic language syntax
- add switch statements
- fix continue keyword for for loops
- add list and map types
- add function overloading
- create a serviceable standard library
- optimize tokenizing
- optimize interpreter
- create some tools for using Basil
crafted with knowledge from Bob Nystrom's Crafting Interpreters