Releases: nitsan-technologies/ns_comments
[TASK] Drop the Language Fallback feature
[TASK] Code clean-up and improvement
[BUGFIX] Fixed problems with custom date formats not displaying correctly.
[RELEASE] Minor release v12.1.2
[TASK] Drop the Language Fallback feature
[TASK] Code clean-up and improvement
[BUGFIX] Add missing flexform lables
[RELEASE] Minor release v2.2.1
[TASK] Code clean-up and improvement
[RELEASE] Minor release v12.1.1
[TASK] Improvement in extension at TYPO3 Debug mode
[TASK] Automatic code lints passed with PHP, TS, Fluid etc
[TASK] Code clean-up and improvement
[BUGFIX] Resolved minor frontend plugin functionality issue
[BUGFIX] Resolved minor composer-based installation
[RELEASE] Major release v12.1.0
[TASK] Improvement in extension at TYPO3 Debug mode
[TASK] Automatic code lints passed with PHP, TS, Fluid etc
[TASK] Code clean-up and improvement
[BUGFIX] Resolved minor frontend plugin functionality issue
[BUGFIX] Resolved minor composer-based installation
[RELEASE] Major release v2.2.0
[TASK] Modified extension information like author, company, description and icons
[TASK] Code clean-up and improvement
[TASK] Updated information like documentation, live demo links etc.
[RELEASE] Minor version release 12.0.1.
[TASK] Resolved minor issue of Compatibility with PHP v8.x
[RELEASE] Release minor 2.1.1 version
Release 12.0.0
[TASK] Compatibility with TYPO3 v12
[TASK] Compatibility drop of TYPO3 <= v11
[TASK] Compatibility with PHP v8.1 & 8.2
[TASK] Compatibility drop of PHP <= v8.1
[TASK] Compatibility of MariaDB 10.3+ / MySQL 8.0+
[TASK] Compatibility of Composer >= 2.1
[TASK] Removed deprecated and breaking changes code
[RELEASE] Major release v12.0.0
TASK Compatibility with major PHP v8.0 and v8.1
TASK Minor improvement for older TYPO3 versions like v8 to v10
TASK Code clean-up and improvement
BUGFIX Removed deprecation of TYPO3 v11 & PHP v8.x
BUGFIX Resolved errors & warnings in TYPO3 debug environment
RELEASE Minor non-breaking release v2.1.0